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           Pros and cons of vegetarian 1) longevity(延年益寿). According to nutritionists study, vegetarians more longevity than non-vegetarians。 Pakistan turns muddy northern Indians in central Mexico and are the original(原始的) vegetarian people, average life expectancy is extremely high。 Enviable. Buddhist monks, Christian 2) lighter weight. Vegetarian weight lighter than the meat eaters, because it is less unnecessary fat of the meat 3) lower cholesterol(胆固醇) content. Vegetarian cholesterol in the blood is always contained less than meat eaters, if too much cholesterol in the blood, it tends to cause blood vessel blockage(心血管堵塞), a blood pressure(高血压) and heart disease the major cause. 4) The opportunity to reduce the risk of cancer. Some research indicates that meat and colon cancer(结肠癌) are very closely related. 5) than those without parasites(寄生虫) and the like. A worm(条虫) and several other parasites are transmitted by infected meat was removed on the parasite to the human body. 6) reduction of kidney(肾脏) burden. A variety of higher animals and human body waste through the blood brought to the kidneys. Meat eaters are eating the meat, once with animal blood, the more heavy burden on the kidneys. 7) easy storage(储藏). Vegetable protein(蛋白质) than animal protein is often easier to store. 8) low price. Plant proteins cheaper than the meat 9) in line with ecological principles(生态原理). Land required for production of one pound of beef, produce ten pounds of vegetable protein. Many ecologists predicted population explosion will force the world had to vegetarian. 10) varied. Housewives often find vegetarian, use vegetable protein, burning more than the use of general good aroma and taste of meat dishes, and production methods are also varied, that arouse a good appetite. Everything has two sides Disadvantages of Vegetarianism Low calorie vegetarian, a serious shortage of protein and fat, mainly vegetarian easily lead to long-term malnutrition. Vegetarian also easily lead t



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