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RUM 朗姆 Producing countries are: Cuba, Jamaica, Barbados, Caribbeans isles.生产的国家有古巴,牙买加,巴巴多斯,加勒比。RUM 朗姆酒with ice and Coke or other soft drinks.可加可乐或其他饮料。made of sugar cane or molasses,主要酿造原料是甘蔗糖料。 Spirit, 是烈酒的一种, The type of Rum 它们的种类Light RumAlso referred to as light, silver, and white rums. In general, light rum has very little flavor aside from a general sweetness, and serves accordingly as a base for cocktails. Light rums are sometimes filtered after aging to remove any color. 白色朗姆酒指无色或淡色,又叫银朗姆酒(Silver Rum),制造时是让经过入桶陈化的原酒,要经过活性炭过滤,除去杂味。 Gold RumAlso called amber rums, are medium-bodied rums which are generally aged. The rum can obtain its flavor through addition of spices and caramel/color (a variation often sold as Spiced Rum), but historically gains its darker color from aging in wooden casks (typically oak). 金色朗姆酒介于白朗姆酒和黑朗姆酒之间的酒液,通常用两种酒混合。 The type of Rum 它们的种类 Dark RumAlso known as black rum, classes as a grade darker than gold rum. It is generally aged longer, in heavily charred barrels. The type of Rum 它们的种类Dark rum has a much stronger flavor than either light or gold rum, and hints of spices can be detected, along with a strong molasses or caramel overtone. It is used to provide substance in rum drinks, as well as color. In addition to uses in mixed drinks, dark rum is the type of rum most commonly used in cooking. 黑朗姆酒浓褐色,比金朗姆酒颜色还要深,口味比其它的朗姆酒要浓烈。多产自牙买加,通常用于制点心,实际是浓朗姆酒。 Flavored RumSome manufacturers have begun to sell rums which they have infused with flavors of fruits such as mango, orange, citrus, coconut, and lime which is a lime rum found in Sweden. These serve to flavor similarly themed tropical drinks which generally comprise less than 40% alcohol. 加味朗姆酒现在有不少的制造商开始出售一些像芒果,橙子,柠檬味道的朗姆酒。深受年轻人的欢迎。通常酒精度数不低于40度The type of Rum 它们的种类 BacardiIs the world‘s great brand of rum. It is classic BACARDI rum, the soul of the BACARDI brand - youthful, high-quality, sociable, sensual and passionate. Originally founded by Don Facundo Bacardi Masso in 1862 in Santiag


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