Unit 5 It Was 英语六年级上册Here Just Now. (The 2nd+period)(教学设计)陕旅版(三起).docx

Unit 5 It Was 英语六年级上册Here Just Now. (The 2nd+period)(教学设计)陕旅版(三起).docx

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【陕旅版小学英语全日制第七册第五单元教学设计】 Unit 5 It Was Here Just Now. (The 2nd period) 【教材分析】 本单元的话题以天气及衣着为载体,以一般过去式为主线,通过对话让学生学习和掌握be动词一般过去时的用法。学生通过对本单元的学习,能灵活运用be动词的过去时,能对事物进行现在和过去的对比描述,同时培养学生有条理的意识,养成良好的学习生活习惯。而我今天授课的内容是第二课时,以Part A中Let’s talk部分的对话为主,在复习的基础上重点学习一般过去时中be动词的肯定形式was和were,其难点就是在此基础上学生能够凭借更多的拓展练习更好地理解和运用was和were. Learning aims At the end of the class, the Ss will be able to: 1. Use “was” and “were” correctly with the following sentence structures: - Where was\ were your…? - It was….\ They were …. 2. Read and understand the dialogue in “Let’s talk”. Key point They can pronounce was and were, then use them correctly. Difficult points 1.Use the sentences correctly and naturally in our real life. 2. Do more exercise by using “was” and “were”. Teaching and learning methods Communicating method of teaching Contrast method of teaching Gaming teaching method Cooperation learning method Communicative learning method Teaching Process Step1 Revision and lead- in 1. Leading in Play a game “I say and you do.” Put your book on your headache. Put your book in the desk. Put your book under the desk. Put your book on your feet. (Teacher picks up a student’s book and give it to the student ) T: Is this your book? S1: Yes. T: Where is your book now? S1: It’s in my hand. T: Where was your book just now? S1: It__ on my feet. (通过我说你做这一简单游戏,学生快速进入英语课堂,调动学生积极性吸引学生眼球并活跃课堂气氛,让学生初步感知just now 与was,了解was是is的过去式)。 Teacher shows two pens and uses the same teaching method to teach “were”: T: Here are two pens. Are these yours? S2: Yes, they are. T: Where are your pens now? S1: They’re in your hand. T: Where were your pens just now? S1:They__ in my pencil-box. (以学生身边的实物引导学生学习新知,具体而形象,帮助学生感知、理解新知,这样学生更感兴趣,有话可说,敢于张口说,同时使新句型的引入更加自然,对话的方式也很自然的从师生问答到生生讨论学习)。 Step 3 Sentence Practice Teacher shows a room and let Ss talk by using the new sentences A: Where was/ were…just now? B: It was/ They were…. (利用板书引导学生讨论房间里的东西) Step4 Listening practice It’s time to go school.



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