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Chinese tunic suit(中山装) The origin of The tunic suit The tunic suit has dominated Chinese fashion for many years and is known to Westerners as the Mao tunic or Mao suit. It is a mistake, however, to associate the style with Mao Zedong. For it is called by the Chinese themselves Zhongshan Zhuang as it was a uniform that Dr. Sun Yat-sen (Sun Zhongshan) liked to wear and recommended to the people of the country. 中山装的起源 中山装已经主导中国时尚很多年了,并且被西方人认为是“毛上衣”或“毛服饰”。然而,与毛泽东风格联系起来是错误的。 中国人把它称为中山装。因为它是孙中山提出并把它引入到全中国的。 The origin of The tunic suit It was customary in ancient times to change the styles of the peoples clothes whenever a new dynasty replaced an old one. The 1911 Revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen overthrew the Qing Dynasty and founded the Republic of China. Members of his Nationalist Party proposed to change the national costume. During the discussions, Dr. Sun favoured the casual dress prevalent in Guangdong Province but proposed certain modifications. A designer worked on his ideas and produced the tunic with four pockets and a turned-down collar, closed all down the middle with five buttons. It looked simple and tasteful and gave an air of sedateness. From then on Dr. Sun set a personal example by wearing the tunic suit on various occasions. It did not take long before the style became fashionable all over the country. 服装起源 这是古代的一种习俗每当新王朝代替旧王朝,人们的穿衣风格也相应该变。1911年孙中山领导的辛亥革命推翻了清王朝建立了中华民国。民族主义会议上一些人提议改变民族服装。孙支持在广东省流行的非正式的服装上做一些改进。于是孙中山先生的私人裁缝师裁剪和缝制了中国和世界上第一套中山服。孙中山先生说,这样的“新装”保留了西服的部分长处,又具有鲜明的中国民族风格,在任何场合穿上都显得庄重而不死板。此后中山服便被外国人称为是中国的“国服”了。 The meaning of the design 4 pockets in the front refer to justice,loyalty,sense of honour.(礼义廉耻) 5 buttons in the front signify separation of the executive, legislative,judicial, examinational and supervisory powers. 3 buttons on the sleeves indicate Three Principles of the People,the people’s relation,the people’s power,the people’s welfare. The back of the suit has no center back seam,symbolizing the peace and unification of the


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