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Brainstroming 3 6 How much?? Question: What kind of meat do you know? beef lamb steak chicken mince 英语典故 English allusion beef lamb steak chicken mince Key words butcher 屠夫,卖肉的 他是一个真正的屠夫! He is a real butcher! meat 肉〔总称〕 你想要来一些肉吗 ? Do you want any meat? Steak 牛排 a piece of steak tell v.告诉 tell a lie 说谎 tell a story 讲故事 tell sb to do sth. 告诉某人做某事 tell sb not to do sth. Eg: I tell him not to go home. chat 聊天 I like chatting discuss 讨论 discuss the topic with your partner speak 说 〔强调动作〕 speak English say 说 〔强调说话内容〕 She says:………. *辨析: truth n. 实情 to tell you the truth ……说老实话 实话说,这个肉不是很好。 eg:To tell you the truth, the meat is not very good. true: adj 正确的 True or False 这消息是真的 eg:The news is true. *Ph:Your dream will come true.〔成真〕 either adv.也〔用于否认句) too adv. 也〔常用于肯定句〕 I like coffee and he likes coffee , _______. I don’t like it and he doesn’t like it,______. either 两个中的一个 Either of you is ok. 你们中的任何一个都行。 3. *either…..or……或者……或者 You can give me the book either before class or after class. too either Lesson 49 At the butcher’s Listening Listen to the tape, and then judge the sentences. If it is right, please say yes. If it is wrong, please say no. Mrs. Bird like lamb. Mrs. Bird’s husband like lamb too. 3. Mrs. Bird like chicken. 4. Mrs. Bird’s husband doesn’t like steak. Yes No No No Language point 1.Do you want beef or lamb? or 或者,还是(表示选择) Do you want tomatoes or potatoes? 要钱要命? 给我块面包或者牛排。 2.What about some steak? 来点牛排怎么样? =how about 怎么样?/如何? -You don’t like beef? What about pork? Or lamb? He is going to dance, how about you? 第三人称单数形式 一般动词后面直接+s 〔look---looks〕 以ch,sh,s,x,z结尾的+es 〔watch—watches〕 以辅音字母+o结尾的+es; 〔goes ,does〕 以辅音字母+结尾的,应把y变为i+es.〔 study---studies〕 不规那么:have--has Grammar 1.我喜欢Tank. I like Tank. 2. 她喜欢Tank. She likes Tank. 肯定句 do :主语为 I, you及复数名词时。 do not = don’t (否认形式) does


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