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生产车间管理系统设计与实现 摘要 如今,随着我国互联网覆盖率的普及,计算机信息技术的发展变得越来越成 熟,这使得中国各行各业在开展相应工作的过程中都严重依赖计算机网络,特别 是对于小型和中型企业。中型企业,通过使用网络技术来管理车间。管理系统可 以在更大程度上提高车间生产和工作管理效率,突破各种车间管理信息传递的障 碍,实现资源的共享和共享,从而更好地服务于我国的中小企业。 车间管理系统主要是解决企业日常的生产与管理工作,在本系统中运用JSP 技术+SQL Server数据库设计与研发一套符合企业自身实际的生产车间管理系 统,在设计研发中,首先,运用面向对象的设计方法,对系统进行需求分析,主 要包括用户管理、车间设备管理、车间信息管理、设备出入口管理、以及折旧率 管理等模块的需求分析及设计,其次通过编程和界面设计对系统的功能模块进行 实现,最后进行系统测试,通过测试,本系统符合最初的设计要求,能够极大的 应用日常的生产管理中,能够减轻车间管理的工作量,极大的解决了信息的出错 率,能够应用到实际的工作当中。 关键词:车间管理系统;JSP技术;设计与实现 Design and implementation of workshop management system Abstract Nowadays, with the popularizatioof Internetcoverage in China, the development of computer information technology has become more and more mature, which makes allwalks of lifein China seriouslrelyon computer network in the process of carrying out the correspondingwork, especiallyfor small and medium-sized enterprisesiedium sizedenterprisesse network technologyto manage workshops. The management system can improve the efficiency of workshop production and work management to a greater extent, break through the obstacles of variousworkshop management informationtransmissionr,ealizethe sharingand sharing of resources, so as to better serve the small and medium-sized enterprises i China. The workshop management system is mainly to solve the daily production and management of enterprises. In this system, JSP technology + SQL Server database is used todesign and develoap setof workshopmanagement system which iisn line with the actual situation of enterprises. In the design and development, first of al object—orientddsignmethod isused to analyzethe needs of the system, mainly including user management, workshop equipment management, workshop management, and so on Secondly, the functional modules of the system are realized through programming and interface design. Finally, the system is tested. Through the test, the system meets the initial design requirements, can be greatly applied in da productionnanagement, and can reduce the workload


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