贝恩 2023年私募股权公司年中报告.pdf

贝恩 2023年私募股权公司年中报告.pdf

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Stuck in Place: Private Equity Midyear Report 2023 Stalled deal making and exits have jammed the capital flywheel, putting a premium on liquidity. BAIN COMPANY ① Authors Hugh MacArthur Rebecca Burack Christophe De Vusser Graham Rose Brenda Rainey This work is based on secondary market research. analysis of financial inform副,on availab e or provided to Bain 晶Company a,回a range 。f l interviews with industry participants. Bain 晶c。mpany has not independently verified any such informati。n provided or available to Bain and makes no representation 。r warranty, expre码。r implied 白at such information is accurate 。r c。mplete Projected market and financial , informati。n, analyses and c。nclusions contained he陪 n are based on the information described above and on Bain 晶C。mpanys judgment, i and sh。uld not be c。nstrued as definitive forecasts or gυarantees of futu『e performance 。r results. The information and analysis herein d。es n。t c。nstitute advice of any kind, is not intended t。 be used for investment purPOses. and neither Bain 晶Company nor any 。f itssubsidiaries or their respective 。而,cers, d,rectors. shareholders. empl。yees or agents accept any responsibility 。r liability with respect to the use 。f 。r rehan。e。n any informat,。n 。r analysis c。ntained ,n this d。cument This w。rk is c。pyright Bain C。mpany and may n。t be published, transmitted, br。adcast, c。pied, reproduced 。r reprinted in whole 。r in part without tlhe explicit written permission of Bain 晶Company c。pynght © 2023 Bain 晶Compan机 Inc.All rights reserved. BAIN COMPANY ① Stuck in Place: Private Equity M idy



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