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摘要 家族企业作为一种组织形式也成为中国经济的重要组成部分及经济增长的重要力 量。随着家族企业在经济增长中发挥作用的日益增强,这种制度形式或管理模式也得到 了越来越多的人的关注。而财务管理又是众多管理问题的核心因素。本文从家族企业财 务管理入手,对我国家族企业财务管理存在的问题进行了描述和分析,探讨了其形成的 原因及所存在的问题,进而提出家族企业财务管理发展应采取的优化措施,以促使我国 家族企业能适应新经济形势下的长久发展。通过本论文的研究,可以发现财务管理对于 一个企业的良好发展起着至关重要的作用。然而在现阶段家族企业财务管理存在严重的 家族式的管理模式、财务机构不健全、代继传承不顺畅、缺乏财务风险预警机制、人力 资源管理及财务人员素质状况不佳等问题,然后针对企业存在的问题提出了相应的优化 对策:企业应该根据公司需求科学的建立公司组织机构,建立健全财务机构、适时构建 家族企业代继传承机制,将企业经营权和所有权两权分离,采用分权式的财务管理模式, 并优化人力资源管理,打破任人唯亲并提高公司财务人员素质,只有这样家族企业才能 得到持续健康的发展。 关键词: 家族企业,财务管理,问题,对策 ABSTRACT As a kind of organizational form of family business has become an important force Chinese an important component of the economy and economic growth. As family enterprises play an important role in the economic growth is increasing, this form of system or management mode has been more and more peoples attention. Financial management is the core factor of numerous management problems. In this paper, starting from the family business financial management of our family business financial management problems are described and analyzed to explore the reasons for its formation and the problems, and then propose measures to optimize the development of the family business financial management should be taken to promote our family business can adapt to long-term development in the new economic situation. By studying this paper can be found for the good development of the financial management of an enterprise plays a vital role. However, there is at this stage a serious financial management of the family business family management, financial institutions are not perfect, on behalf of the following transmission is not smooth, the lack of financial risk early warning mechanism, poor human resource management and financial situation of the quality of personnel and other issues, and for the enterprise Problems raised the corresponding optimization measures: Enterprises should be based on the company needs to establish firm scientific organization, e



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