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2023年-2024年 PAGE PAGE 1 2023年-2024年 福建土楼的形式和技术解析 ——建筑科学基础作业 班 级:城市规划0702班 姓 名:贺春愉 学 号:070120244 指导教师:岳鹏 时 间:2009年12月21日 福建土楼的形式和技术解析 摘要:文章重点从形式与技术两个方面解析了福建土楼。首先介绍福建土楼的起源,然后介绍其平面类型,接着详细阐述了福建土楼的建造技术(夯土版筑技术)与建筑材料(生土等)。夯土版筑是古老的中国生土建筑工艺和当地自然、社会环境相结合而产生的一种特殊产物,文章中介绍了它的历史传承、夯筑土墙的材料、作法等。文章还分析了福建土楼的空间布局与造型特点,并从外观、屋顶、构件的细部三方面分析了其装饰艺术,从而使得大家对福建土楼建筑有一个全面地了解。最后总结了影响福建土楼形态的成因以及我们在现代建筑中可以借鉴的经验。福建土楼独特的造型、丰富的人文内涵,体现出独特的美与独特的价值,深刻地反映了客家人对所处客观生存环境适应、利用和改造的能力。 关键词:土楼 夯土版筑 生土 空间布局 The form and technical analysis of Tulou in Fujian Abstract: This paper focus on the form and technical analysis from two aspects of Tulou in Fujian. First introduced the origin of Tulou, and then introduced their plane type, and then elaborated the construction technology of Tulou (the technology of version rammed building) and the materials of building (adobe, etc.). Rammed earth building is an ancient Chinese version of combining adobe construction techniques, the local natural and social environment created by a special product.The article described of its historical heritage, materials of Rammed wall, practices and so on. The article also analyzes the spatial layout and the style features of Tulou, and analyzes its decorative arts from three aspects, for example the exterior, the roof, the details co, so that making everyone has a comprehensive understanding of Tulou building. In the end, we concluded the causes of affecting the morphology of Tulou and what can we learn from experience in our modern architecture. The unique shape and rich cultural connotations of Tulou, reflect the unique beauty and unique value, reflect of the Hakka people’s objective to adapt, use and transformation capabilities living with the environment profoundly. Key words: Tulou Earthen rammed building immature soil spatial distribution 在我国东南沿海地区有一处被誉为“世界独一无二的民居建筑奇葩”,它以历史悠久、规模宏大、结构奇巧、功能齐全、内涵丰富而著称于世,它就是著名的福建客家土楼。福建土楼特指那种适合大家族聚居、具有突出防卫功能、并采用夯土墙承重的巨型土木结构多层居住建筑,主要分布于闽西、闽西南、广西西部、赣南和粤东北等地域,在福建省的分布尤为广泛,以闽西永


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