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读后续写训练(家庭亲情篇)ClimaxStory Mountain______________________________________________________________________Build-upResolution _____________________________________________________________________Today she showed up in a raincoat.OpeningEnding_________________________________________________________Mom tried to cover me with the back of the raincoat again as a storm set in.Read for the plot(What)Read for the plot(What)ClimaxStory Mountain“我”也会回想起和妈妈在一起的快乐时光,但不知从什么时候起,“我”和妈妈之间有了隔阂。Build-up还有一件事让“我”:妈妈常给“我”织毛衣,毛衣的样式比较老土,这也让“我”觉得没面子。Resolution 今天,她穿着雨衣出现了······Opening放学的时候,天色渐暗,天空飘起了毛毛细雨。在等妈妈来接“我”的过程中,“我”看到朋友们都坐在舒适的汽车里。想到“我”只能坐在妈妈破旧的自行车上时,“我”感到尴尬,甚至沮丧。Ending暴风雨来袭时,妈妈又一次试图用雨衣的后背遮盖住“我”······Read for the theme: 母爱是最无私的爱。Read for the language:1. I knew all I could expect was an old bike Mom would ride along on, with the badly-oiled chain creaking against the wheel to announce her arrival. (para.1) creak是拟声词,意为“嘎吱作响”。with the badly-oiled chain creaking against the wheel to announce her arrival, 让人产生“未见其人,先闻其声”之感。该词不仅生动地反映出妈妈自行车破旧的状态,也表达了作者对妈妈自行车的厌恶和对妈妈关爱的抗拒。2. It was like stepping into a ballroom with beautifully dressed ladies and finding yourself in a smelly T-shirt. (para.2) 该句运用了比喻的修辞手法,通过对比,生动地描写出了“作者坐在妈妈的自行车上穿行于舒适的小汽车之间的尴尬”。续写部分也可以通过对比反映人物情感,实现前后照应以及材料和续写内容的协同。【参考范文】 Today she showed up in a raincoat. Once shesaw me, Mom called my name excitedly. Almost everybody present looked in her direction. I swallowed hard,ducked my head and inched towards her, sweat forming in tiny droplets on my forehead. When she tried to cover me with the back of her raincoat. I simply threw it aside.I hated riding with her. Without a single word. I jumped onto the backseat. Minutes later, the rain got heavier and the wind picked up. I felt a wave of panic. Mom tried to cover me with the back of the raincoat again as a storm set in. This time, I accepted silently. With the wind roaring angrily and the raincoat dancing, I felt warm and secure inside. Mom rode with all her strength, her waist movi



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Where there is a will,there is a way!

