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International Business Etiquette;Definitions(定义);Although the world seems to be shrinking in some ways, the necessity of respecting and observing the etiquette of another country is as important as ever. You need to know enough about the correct behavior of a particular country so that you do not unintentionally offend its customs.;Topics:题目;Introductions:介绍;Business Cards:名片;Include your name and full title. Titles carry greater significance in other cultures than in the U.S. 印上你的名字和完整的头衔。在其他国家,你头衔的意义比在美国要大。 Include your company’s address and telephone numbers; include foreign headquarters, as appropriate. 包括你公司的地址、电话;合适的话,还可以包括国外总部的联系地址。 Include your fax number and e-mail address. 写上你的传真号和电子邮件地址。 Avoid colored type and paper. Choose white with black ink for both sides. If in doubt, be conservative. 避免使用彩色字体和纸。双面都用黑白两色。如果没有把握,就用保守的颜色。;In the U.S. limited respect is shown for rank and authority; U.S. is not considered a nation of classes, but classes exist. 在美国,人们对于级别和权威的尊重是有限的。美国不是一个等级制的国家,但等级是存在的。;Distinctions are made by how much money you have and where the money came from; (Drug dealers may have a lot of money, but no style or class); distinctions are made by whether the money is inherited vs. earned money. 区别就在于你有多少钱,以及钱是从什么地方来的(毒贩子有很多钱,但没有社会地位);钱是继承的,还是挣来的。;Status is associated with educational level and a persons occupation. Surveys show that medical doctors and college professors have high status in the U.S. 地位与教育水平和个人的职业是联系在一起的。调查显示,医生和大学教授在美国有很高的社会地位。 India has a caste system determined at birth. Interaction between castes is limited. 在印度,等级在出生时就已决定了。不同等级之间的交流是很有限的。 Gender is related to position and status. Women are considered as equal to men in the U.S. In other cultures (the Middle East), women are not considered equal. 性别与地位和身份有关系。在美国女性被认为和男性一样平等。在其他国家(中东)女性就??平等。 ;Age and hierarchy are important in such countries as Japan. Age takes precedence over rank, but rank is important. The higher the rank of the person you are introduced to,


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