Unit 2 Ways to go to school Lesson 2 Take a trip 课件人教PEP版六年级上册.pptx

Unit 2 Ways to go to school Lesson 2 Take a trip 课件人教PEP版六年级上册.pptx

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Unit 2 Ways to go to schoolLesson 2 Take a trip Good Learning Habits学习好习惯1. 学习用品准备齐;2. 勤做笔记勤动笔;3. 认真听讲不放弃;4. 课后作业别忘记。 U2 Ways to go to school第二课时目标语言能力1. 能听、说、读、写单词bus, plane, taxi, ship, subway, train,短语on foot;2. 能在情境中正确运用核心句型How do we/you get (to ___ from ___)...询问到达某地的出行方式以及回答By+交通工具,On foot.;3. 能够熟读并理解课文文本,并根据所学文本创编对话。文化意识对不同的交通工具有更深的了解,知晓特别的出行方式。思维品质能够根据路程特点,选择合理的出行方式。学习能力1. 能熟练掌握交通工具的表达方法;2. 能正确运用所学核心功能句并根据实际情况回答从某地到某地的交通方式。 Let’s reviewHow do they come to school?He/She usually/often/somtimes comes _____.usuallyoftensometimes Warm-upWhat’s the song about? Let’s learn Let’s learn Culture-linkdouble-decker bus双层巴士红色双层巴士(double-decker bus)是伦敦的城市名片。1954年,它第一次驶入伦敦。当时它有个响亮的名字叫路主。在2008年北京奥运会闭幕式,双层巴士出现在伦敦八分钟的表演中。伦敦—-—红色双层巴士 Let’s learn Let’s learn Culture-linkBlack Cab黑色出租车英国最具代表的出租车要数黑色出租车Black Cab(TX4车型),复古外观,绅士味儿十足。发展近七十年,已与双层巴士、红色电话亭成为伦敦市的三大标志性符号。伦敦的出租车司机还被规定得会6种语言的基础对话呢。伦敦——黑色出租车 Let’s learn Let’s learn Culture-linkGondola贡多拉贡多拉又名公朵拉,是独具特色的威尼斯尖舟,这种轻盈纤细、造形别致的小舟已有一千多年的历史了。它一直是居住在泻湖上的威尼斯人代步的工具。据说,7世纪时,第一任总督将这种船命名为贡多拉。威尼斯小艇——贡多拉 Let’s sayby +交通工具 乘坐...... by plane by bus by trainby subway by ship by taxi Lets writeWrite down the phrases according to the pictures.根据图片内容,书写短语 Watch and answer1. Where are they going?2. How do they get there? Watch and answer Watch and answer1. Where are they going?2. How do they get there?They are going to the nature park.They get there by bus. Lets learn1. -How do you get there? -By ___./On foot.2. -How do you get to ____ from ____? (你怎么从____到达____?) -By ____./On foot. go to schoolget to schoolgo to schoolGood to knowgo to ,指“前往”,强调去的过程,相对语气要缓些。get to,指“到达”,强调到达,想要到达目的地的渴望更强烈。 Lets practiceHow do you get there?I get there by plane. Lets practiceHow do you get to Beijing?I get there by train. Lets practiceHow do you get to Beijing from Chongqing?By plane. Lets repeat Lets talkWhy do they get to the nature park by bus?Its cheap.The bus station is near the school. Lets talkshort distance适合短途long distance适合长途advantages优点disad


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