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百学须先立志。——朱熹 英国IMC数学竞赛考试浅谈(3)——⼏何知识点梳理 题技巧。众所周知,⼏何⼀直是我们学习GCSE以及Alevel的重中之重,很多⼏何题⽬也⽤到了很多代数中设未知数,解⼀元多次⽅程的⽅法,所 以整个ukmt教研组也偏向于在IMC的试卷当中给到⼏何较多的⽐重。在过去的⼗年中,平均每⼀年涉及到初中或者⾼中⼏何知识的imc试题每年 有8题左右。所以,复习、以及预习提前掌握⼀些⼏何知识,对于IMC获得⾼分是⾮常重要的。下⾯,我将把初中⼏何分为⼏个⼤的分⽀课题,为 ⼤家分析其中的知识点。 1、平⾏线Parallel lines 平⾏线的性质:两直线平⾏,则同位⾓相等、内错⾓相等、同旁内⾓互补 平⾏线的判定:同位⾓相等、内错⾓相等、同旁内⾓互补,则两直线平⾏ 平⾏线间的距离:平⾏线间的距离处处相等 (平⾏线间的平⾏线段相等) The properties of parallel lines: if two lines are parallel, the same position angle is equal, the interior angle is equal, and the interior angles on the same side are complementary Judgment of parallel lines: the same angle is equal, the interior angles are equal, and the interior angles on the same side are complementary, then the two lines are parallel Distance between parallel lines: The distance between parallel lines is equal everywhere (parallel segments between parallel lines are equal) 关于平⾏线,需要注意的是,我们常见的⼏何图形中,平⾏四边形,长⽅形,正⽅形中的平⾏线的利⽤。同学们要清楚的知道,在长⽅形内的三⾓ 形,有着⼤量的同底等⾼可以利⽤,在发现同底等⾼之后,可以轻松地使⽤⾯积的等量代换求解问题。 2、三⾓形 (Triangle) 三⾓形的内⾓和等于180° (多边形的内⾓和: (n-2)×180°) 三⾓形的外⾓和等于360° (多边形的外⾓和等于360°) 三⾓形的⼀个外⾓等于与它不相邻的两个外⾓的和 (满⾜四点共圆的四边形,⼀个⾓的外⾓等于该⾓的对⾓的内⾓。) 三⾓形的任意两边之和⼤于第三边,任意两边之差等于第三边 (换算成不等式,可以得到这样⼀个简单的不等式组,a+bc, a+cb,b+ca, a,b,c, 为三⾓形的三边长) The sum of the interior angles of a triangle is equal to 180° (the sum of the interior angles of a polygon: (n-2) × 180°) The sum of the exterior angles of a triangle is 360° (the sum of the exterior angles of a polygon is 360°) An exterior angle of a triangle is equal to the sum of the two exterior angles that are not adjacent to it. The sum of any two sides of a triangle is greater than the third side, and the difference between any two sides is equal to the third side (converted to inequality, such a simple inequality group can be obtained, a+bc, a+cb, b+ca , a,b,c, are the lengths of the three sides of the triangle) 3*、全等三⾓形 全等三⾓形的性质:全等三⾓形的对应⾓相等,对应边相等 全等三⾓形的判定:①S.A.S ②A.S.A ③A.A.S ④S.S.S ⑤H.L 全等三⾓形的知识点,在IMC的选择题中不作



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