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;1. severe adj.极为恶劣的;严厉的;苛刻的;2. frustrated adj. 懊恼的,沮丧的,失意的 be frustrated with/at 对…灰心丧气 frustrate vt. 挫败,阻挠,使感到灰心 frustrating adj. 令人沮丧的 frustration n.懊恼,沮丧 ,令人懊恼的事物;3. contradictory adj.互相矛盾的;互相对立的;4. infect v. 传染; 使感染, 使感染(某种感情); 影响;5. subscribe v.定期订购,定期缴纳(会费) ; 定期捐款赞助;6. suspect vt. vi 怀疑;不信任;n. 犯罪嫌疑人;单句语法填空 ①Any man who has witnessed the attack is _____ suspicion. ②Some of his colleagues at work became __________ (suspect) of his behaviour. 完成句子 老板怀疑他从公司拿走了电脑。 The boss _______________________ the computer away from the company.;7.blamed vt.责备;谴责;把…归咎于;n.过失;责备;4. The police laid / put the blame for the accident on the driver. 5. The company is ready to bear / take / accept / get the blame for what has happened.;单句语法填空 ①Once you form the habit of blaming somebody or something else ___ a bad situation, you are a loser. ②Lots of people find it hard to get up in the morning, and put the blame ___ being late ___ the alarm clock. ③It was the professor rather than his assistant that was ________ (blame) for what had happened in the lab.; ;8.handle n.把手, 柄 v.处理, 应付(局势、人、工作或感情) 触, 拿, 搬动 控制, 操纵(车辆、动物、工具等);9.link n. 联系;纽带 vt.把……连接起来;相关联;to/with;10.decrease n.减少 vt. vi.(使大小、数量等)减少; 单句语法填空 ①There is a decrease of nearly 7% the number of visitors to the museum. ②The accidents have decreased 20% since the measure has been taken. ③Because of human activities,the number of some rare animals is the decrease. ;11. transform v.使改观, 使变形, 使转化; 单句语法填空 ①The health security systems of many countries are undergoing considerable ______________ (transform). ②Every moment of every day, energy __________________ (transform) from one form into another. ③I was a student and my life is totally ________________ (transform) by that experience.;12、initial adj. 最初的,开始的,第一的 my initi


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