核心素养背景下小学道德与法治教学现状调查 .pdf

核心素养背景下小学道德与法治教学现状调查 .pdf

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核心素养背景下小学《道德与法治》教学现状调查 : 摘 要 近年来,核心素养教育在我国受到越来越多的重视。核心素养教育逐步 从模糊的教育概念发展为现实的教育变革。有关小学《道德与法治》课程的核心素养 教育研究目前主要聚焦于教学方法和教学策略方面,未有针对核心素养背景下《道德 与法治》课程教学现状的调研。因此,本文以甘肃省庆阳市西峰区 S 小学为调查对象, 调研核心素养背景下小学《道德与法治》课程的教学现状,从学校、教师和学生三方 面进行分析和总结。在此基础上,给出针对性的意见。 关键词:核心素养;小学教育;《道德与法治》;教学现状 The Current Situation of Moral and Law Teaching in Primary Schools under the background of Key Competencies Abstract:In recent years,China has paid more and more attention to key compitencies education.The development of key compitencies has gradually changed from the vague concept of education to the real education reform.The reserach on the key competencies of the course “morality and rule of law”in primary school mainly lies in teaching methods and strategies at the present.However, the research is not on the current teaching situation of morality and rule of law in the context of key compitencies.Therefore,this paper takes S primary school in Xifeng District, Qingyang City, Gansu Province as the research object to investigate the current teaching situation of moral and rule of law in primary schools under the background of key compitencies,and analyse and summarize from three aspects: school, teachers and students.Finally,according to the above situation, the paper gives some targeted suggestions. Key words: Key competencies;primary school education;morality and the rule of law;current teaching situation 目 录 第一章 引言 3 1.1 研究背景 3 1.2 研究现状 3 1.2.1 国外研究现状 3 1.2.2 国内研究现状 4 1.3 研究发展趋势 5 1.4 研究目标和内容 5 第二章 相关概念理论 6 2.1 核心素养相关概念界定 6 2.1.1 核心素养 6 2.1.2 中国学生发展核心素养 6 2.1.3 5C 模型研究 7 2.1.4 《道德与法治》课核心素养 7 2.2 相关理论 9 2.2.1 道德发展阶段理论 9 2.2.2 人本主义理论 9 第三章 研究方法 10 3.1 研究对象 10 3.2 研究资料收集 10 第四章 教学现状分析 11 3.1 学校方面 11 3.2 教师方面 12 3.3 学生方面 13 第五章 总结与


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