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传统中医学英语词汇 传统中医学词汇是由诺贝笔翻译公司整理 一阳 quotfrist yang Shaoyang Channelquot 一阴 quotfrist yin Jreyin Channelquot 一逆 one mista ade in treatment 一息 respiration 一侧的 unilateral 一日量 daily dose 一服药 a dose of medicine 一 夫法 finger breadth measurement 一身痛重 general pain and heaviness 乙癸同源 Yithe live and Guithe Kidney bejing the same source 二阴 quottwo lower orifices ie the external urethral orifice and the anusquot 二浊 reddish and whitish turbid urine 二十八 脉 twenty-eight kinds of pulse condition 二阳并病 Shaoyang syndrome complicated by Taiyang syndrome 二便不利 difficulty in urination and defecation 二便失禁 urinary and fecal incontinence 十问 inquire about ten aspects of the patient 十剂 ten kinds of prescription 十八反 eighteen incompatible medicaments 十二剂 twelve kinds of prescription 十二节 twelve joints 十二禁 twelve contraindications 十二经 twelve regular channels 十二时 traditional twelve two-hour periods 十二脏 twelve internal organs 十二怪脉 quotten moribund pulses ten kinds of paradoxical pulse conditionquot the thirteen medical 十九畏 nineteen nedicaments of nutual antagonism 十三科 specialties 十四经 the fourteen channels 十五络脉 fifteen main collaterals 十二节刺 twelve methods of needling 十二经别 branches of the twelve regular channels 十二经 筋 muscle along the twelve regular channels 十二皮部 twelve skin areas 十六郄穴 sixteen cleft points 十四经穴 quotaccupuncture points on the fourteen regular channels fifteen main collaterals points 十二经动acupoints on regular channelsquot 十五络穴 脉 arteries of the twelve channels 十二井穴 twelve well-points 十二经之海 sea of the twelve channels 丁痂 scar 丁奚疳 infantile malnutrition due to excessive feeding 丁 躬势 bowing 丁字形骨折 T-shaped fracturre 七方 quotseven prescriptions Seven formulaequot 七恶 the symtoms and signs indicating poor prognosis of suppurative infections of the exterior part of the body 七窍 seven orifices 七情 seven emotions 七 疝 seven kinds of hernia 七伤 1.seven kinds of impairments 2.seven symptoms suggesting consumption of the kidney-qi 七冲门 seven important portals 七怪脉 quotseven moribund pulses seven parad


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