高中英语教学:global warming 说课比赛.docx

高中英语教学:global warming 说课比赛.docx

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案例介绍或案例背景。 《普通高中英语课程标准(2017版)》四中,对本学科课程内容中的描述是“英语内容是发展学生英语学科核心素养的基础,包含六个要素:主题语境、语篇类型、语言知识、文化知识、语言技能和学习策略”。该《标准》被认为强化了教学中对语篇的理解和运用,同时语篇不仅是为学生发展语言技能和形成学习策略提供语言和文化素材,而且教师在教学时也要认真研读和分析语篇,落实培养学生英语学科核心素养。2021浙江首考后,专家从近几年的高考卷分析所得如下启示:语篇填空从基础知识的考查---转向语篇理解;语篇理解力要求越来越高,强化语篇理解与语义转换,应该重点解决题干的解读力和语篇的理解力。并提出今后的教学建议:语篇分类专练(题材、体裁)和语篇结构专练(推理、主旨、细节、词义猜测等)。同时要求应抓住适合于语篇结构的篇章,从而提高学生的思辨与篇章结构意识。 2.案例展示即说课, 教学内容: _The earth is becoming warmer—but does it matter? 主题语境:_global warming_____________________________ 语篇类型:__narrative writing__科普类说明文__________________________ Analysis of the teaching material: The reading passage is in the form of an article from an environmental magazine for young people. It is a discussion and puts forward different points of view about the effect of the earth’s increased temperature and the possible effects. It poses questions and encourages students to think about the issues. There are two graphs that illustrate points and give evidence. Analysis of the students: 1,students have the reading strategies in reading but need to internalize the structure of exposition. Students have the ability of reading ,but they lack the awareness of discourse, they may not know how to write a logical paragraph. Teaching objectives: By the end of the class, students will be able to ... 1. master the writing characteristics of exposition (content) 2. enhance the ability of analyzing the exposition (language) 3. sense the discourse analysis by learning cohesive device (discourse)


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