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典范英语课程4b Lesson 3Mum to rescue
Car Boot Sale 后备箱旧货市场
Car Boot Sale 后备箱旧货市场每个星期天英国人会把家里没有用的破烂放在车后备箱里拿出来卖。 在就是为什么二手市场在英国叫 Car Boot Sale. Car Boot 就是车后备箱的意思。在英国人眼里别人的垃圾是我的宝贝。 每个星期天就会有好多人去二手市场逛, 顺便也锻炼身体啦。典范文化
1.Read the story as quickly as you can.2.Find three different places where the family went.a car boot saleby the rivera big boat
Imitated ReadingEyes on your bookEars to listenFinger to pointMouth to read out
Can you answer the questions?What did Mum buy in the car boot sale?What did they do by the river?Who rescued the big boat?A dinghy.They had a picnic.Mum rescued the boat.
Words Learning单词---开启语言学习的钥匙
2橡皮艇4充气5补丁6河堰6危险的8一个好地点8划(船)9摇,甩12处于危险13小心14发动机15带来16松开17借给18多亏7远离Useful Phrases
橡皮艇充气补丁河堰危险的一个好地点划(船)摇,甩dinghypump uppatchweirdangerousa good spotpaddleshake-shookLets check!
处于危险小心发动机带来松开借给多亏远离in dangerbe carefulenginebringlet go of lend thanks tokeep offUseful Phrases
Spell the wordsShort Vowel WordsMixed Wordslendpumpthankspaddlespotbringshakeshookaooekeepstarteearweirbroughteirough
engineSyllables and Words?ienginedangerousaedangedangerouaerrousdanger
橡皮艇dinghy河堰weir划(船)paddle发动机engine摇,甩shake-shook充气pump…up What’s the meaning of the words?
橡皮艇dinghy河堰weir一个好地点a good spot划(船)paddle发动机engine借lend摇,甩shake带来bring-brought充气pump…up 松开;放开let go of...危险的dangerous处于危险in danger 发动,开始start远离keep off多亏thanks toGame: Catch the words
a car boot sale pump up went downmendpatch
Where did the family go?What did they do by the river?How about Floppy?Look and talk
Thanks to the dinghy.Who ran to them?My boat is in danger.Who went to rescue the boat?God bless me!How did the family go on holiday?an old dinghya big boatThanks to Mum.
Put the sentences in right order.ABCDEFAThey took the dinghy home.BMum mended the dinghy.CMum and Dad went to the car boot sale.DThe family had a holiday on a boat.EThey had a picnic by the river.FMum brought the boat back.
Beautiful SentencesThey found a good spot for a picnic.我们找到一个举办派对的好场所。We found a good spot for a party.I wish we could g