高中英语教学:2022届高考英语外刊阅读语法填空 1.docx

高中英语教学:2022届高考英语外刊阅读语法填空 1.docx

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高中英语外刊阅读语法填空September 1 1塔利班重新执政,女性受教育权令人担忧 Why educating girls is even more important than people realise 为什么女孩受教育比人们意识到的更重要? The last time the Taliban ruled Afghanistan, they banned girls from going to school. This time they say they will allow them 1_____(educate) within the limits of Islam. No one knows 2______ that means. As the men with guns in Kabul ponder whether to allow their female compatriots (同胞)to study, it is worth 3______(reflect) on why this matters so much. When girls learn how to read, write and do sums, they lead longer, 4______(healthy) lives. They are much less likely to become child brides or teenage mums and are also less likely to suffer domestic violence(家庭暴力). Educating girls is also 5_____excellent way to reduce 6_____(poor). Women 7_____finish secondary school can expect to earn twice as much as those who never enter a classroom. A degree of financial independence, in turn, gives them more bargaining power in their relationships with fathers, brothers and husbands who might seek to push them around. The children benefit 8______(enormous): they are more likely to receive vaccinations(疫苗) and less likely to die before they grow up. Children 9_____(bear) of educated mothers are much more likely to get a good education 10______(they), and use it to snag a good job. So are their children — it is a virtuous circle. A recent study of eight emerging economies by Citigroup and Plan International concluded that making sure all girls finish secondary school would boost(提高) GDP in those places by an average of 10% within a decade. Despite these benefits, many countries continue to neglect girls education. It is not just in Afghanistan that girls potential is being wasted. 2 新调查:CEO年薪 = 普通人一辈子收入的 9 倍 American CEOs make 351 times more than workers. In 1965 it was 15 to one 美国 CEO 的收入是员工的 351 倍,而 1965 年这个比例是 15:1 Last week, the Economic Policy Institute, a nonpartisan thinktank(无党派智库), released a report on the increasing pay gap between chief executi


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