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Food and beverage industry (Catering) is a food production and management industry through instant processing, commercial sales and service labor in one, to provide consumers with a variety of beverages, food, consumer sites and facilities.上海高中英语学科特点 及各年级应对策略 目录一.初高中题型对比二.高中题型分类三.题型分析四.教材版本分类五.各年级学员应对 一、初高中英语题型对比1、题型结构2、侧重点 初中英语题型结构一、初高中英语题型对比 高中英语题型结构一、初高中英语题型对比 词汇:中考:1648 高考:3500+ 语法: 中考:十大词性、三大从句,时态语态(8大时态) (单项选择、词性转换、句型转换、作文) 高考:十大词性、六大从句,非谓语动词、时态语态、特殊句式(强调、倒装) (主要体现的题型为语法填空、十一选十、翻译、作文) 宾语从句、定语从句、状语从句——重基础主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句、定语从句、状语从句——重运用初高中英语侧重点一、初高中英语题型对比 DBCA 听力 客观题 主观题 口语 十一选十、完型填空、阅读理解、六选四 语法填空、概要、翻译、作文 二、题型分类 内容题型题量计分SpeakingSection A:朗读句子21Section B:朗读段落11Section C:情景提问42Section D:图片描述11.5Listening and speakingSection A:快速应答42Section B:简述和问答22.5总分1410口语三、题型分析 朗读句子 Section A:Watching violence on TV/ is one of the major causes of /aggressive behaviour/ and crime/ in society. Now/ the team is saying/ it has unearthed/ even more/ pieces of the puzzle, including a jawbone/ and parts of arms,/ legs and hands/ from several individuals,/ as well as/ stone tools.Directions: Read aloud the following two sentences. For each sentence, you will have thirty seconds to prepare and fifteen seconds to read.注意意群停顿,升降调,连读等屏幕显示句子和短文三、题型分析 Section B:Directions: Read aloud the following passage. You will have one minute to prepare and thirty seconds to read. News for today: Governments may be accused of/ keeping too many records/ on their people. But no one seems to argue with/ recording births, deaths and marriages. This is called/ civil registration. Birth and death records/ help governments/ count populations/ and know how long people live/ and what they die from. This information is important for planning


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