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凯蒂 Katie! 柯拉 Cora! 爱你妹妹吗 You love your sister? 敢出声的话 知道会怎么样吗 You make any noise, you know what happens. 早安 埃斯特尔 Good morning, Estelle. 保罗 我气色如何? How am I looking, Paul? 好多了 好多了 Thats better. Thats better. 早上好 艾治科姆先生 Morning, Mr. Edgecomb. 来点丹麦奶酥? Some Danish? 两片烤土司就行 谢谢你 赫克托 No, just two pieces of dry toast, Hector. Thanks. 剩的也没关系 Leftovers fine. 你就爱吃又干又冷的 Dry and cold, same as always. 越冷越好 Cold is better. 特别是远足时吃最舒服 Especially on those long walks. 我说得对吧 Am I right? 别让“哥斯拉”护士逮到你 她会抓狂哦 Dont let Nurse Godzilla catch you.Shell raise holy hell. 我们本不该让你到处乱走 Were not supposed to let you wander off. 你每天都去哪儿? Where do you go every day? 你在山上做什么? What do you do up in those hills? 散散步罢了 Just walk. 我喜欢散步 I like to walk. 小心别把屁股摔开花了 Try not to fall down, bust a hip. 我可不想参加搜救队四处找你 I dont wanna be in no damn search party. 你想跟这男人过日子? You want this man in your life? 说说你的道德基础 Explain the moral basis of that. 我确实犯了错 Ive made mistakes. 托尼不承认自己不是个好父亲 Tony doesnt admit that hes not a good father. 你不能什么都不要 我有六个孩子 You cant ask nothing.I have six kids myself. 我们为什么老看这种傻节目? Why do we always watch this stuff? 因为很有趣 Its interesting. 一群住在拖车里的垃圾有趣吗 Interesting?Bunch of inbred trailer trash? 他们只知道谈论乱搞 All they ever talk about is fucking. 你没事吧 Are you all right? 你看来有点累 心不在焉的 You look tired. Youre not yourself. 我没事 真的 No, Im fine. I promise. 我觉得你是 Youre wearing yourself out... 每天走路给累的 ...with those walks every day, I think. 而不是之前你说的那些 Not that you asked me. 我只是没睡好而已 I just didnt sleep well, is all. 还做了恶梦 这很正常 I had a few bad dreams. It happens. 不会有事的 Ill be fine. 玛姬不介意的话 我也不介意 If Madge doesnt care,I certainly dont. 我也是 Neither do I. 这个才好看嘛 Now, this here is worth a look. 我在天堂 Im in heaven 心跳加速 无法言语 And my heart beats so that I can hardly speak 好似在追寻 And I seem to find 我的幸福 The happiness I seek 就在我俩相聚 When were out together 贴近漫舞之时 Dancing cheek to cheek 天堂啊 Heaven 我就在天堂 Im in heaven 这一周里 And the cares that hung around me 纠缠我的烦恼 Through the week 转眼消失 Seem to vanish 好比赌徒赢得大奖一般 Like a gamblers lucky st


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