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词汇学习和应用 ;;痛哭流涕 cry one’s eyes out 突然大哭起来 burst into tears 情绪失控而痛哭 break down 流泪 shed tears /weep a few bitter tears be in tears 抑制住泪水 fight back/choke back tears/sobs ;使某人哭了;1.他讲完故事时,我们大多数人都已经泪流满面。 Most of us were in tears by the time he had finished his story. ;I’m beside myself with joy/excitement. I’m on top of the world. I’m walking on air. I’m in a great/good mood today. I’m in high spirits. be wild with joy/delight a mixture of excitement and happiness be overwhelmed with joy/excitement can hardly conceal/contain his excitement go into raptures ;;3. be overwhelmed with joy/excitement欢乐不已 ;5. 只要一提起艺术和文化项目,一些政府领导就会兴奋不已。他们滔滔不绝地说着美丽的公园,城市中心漂亮的雕塑,还有满是艺术品的展览馆。他们认为在经济发展中,没有什么比这些项目更重要了。; One day after a physical examination, Mr. Smith got his diagnosis. The diagnosis said he suffered from cancer. He knew the news. He felt very sad. ;When he heard that, Mr. Smith was very happy and jumped. His wife and daughter were very surprised.; One day after a physical examination, Mr. Smith got his diagnosis saying he suffered from cancer. Knowing that, he felt very sad. When he got home his wife and daughter were waiting for him to have dinner. But he didn’t want to eat anything, he went to his bedroom. Some time later, he received a call from his doctor, saying they made a mistake that the diagnosis was wrong. On hearing that, Mr. Smith jumped with joy, making both his wife and daughter very surprised.


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