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1. (), domesticated grapes grow in clusters, range in color from pale green to
black, and contain sugar in varying quantities.
A. Their botanical classification as berries
B. Although their botanical classification as berries
C. Because berries being their botanical classification
.Classified botanically as berries
2. The fans did not think( )of him because they know how poorly he was.
hAi.gh B.highly C.bad D.badly
3. Australia can be divided into three big regions, which of the following is
not included?()
A. The Great Dividing Range
B. The Murray
C. The Central Lowlands
D. The Western Plateau
4T.here are three main parties represented in the House of Representatives
of Australia, which one is the oldest party?()
A. The Australian Labor Party
B. The Nationals
C. The Liberal Party of Australia
.Australian Greens party
(5. )is Australias most important industrial city and the capital of New
South Wales.
AM.elbourne B.Sydney C.Canberra D.Brisbane
6. Which of the following is NOT a usual subj ect of Emily Dickensons
NAa. ture B.Life and death C.Love and marriage D.War and peace
7. The poemI Sought tell my love, Love that never told can be violates
among the () Cooperative Principle.
A. the maxim of quality
B. the maxim of relation
C. the maxim of quantity
D. the maxim of manner
8. The little girl( )her elder brother with breaking the doll mother bought for
Asc.olded B.accused C.reproached D.condemned
9. The machinery had been wrecked so efficiently that police were sure it
was a case of ()
vAa.gabond B.sabotage C.paradox D.tachyon
10. The indigenous people in Australia are(), which have 2.2% of the total
population in 2001.
Aab.origines B.Maoris C.Cherokees D.people from India
11 .The old man has developed a( )headache which cannot be cured in a
short time.
pAe.rpetual B.permanent C.chronic
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