2023年军队文职人员招录笔试《英语语言文学》考前训练题(含答案) .pdf

2023年军队文职人员招录笔试《英语语言文学》考前训练题(含答案) .pdf

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2023年军队文职人员招录笔试《英语语言文 学》考前训练题(含答案) 学校:班级:姓名:考号: 一、单选题(55题) 1. The earliest invasion of England is that by() Ath.e Iberian B.the Danes C.the Celts D.the Anglo Saxons 2. The panel has not yet rea hed agreement on a ru ial question, however, ()to re ommend legislation that would make it a rime for private funding to be used for human loning. wAh. ether B.if C.that D.how 3. What is the ranking of Canada in the world by land area?() AFi.rst B.Se ond C.Third D.Fourth 4. A senten e is onsidered when it onforms to the grammati al knowledge in the mind of () native speakers. rAig.ht B.wrong C.grammati al D.ungrammati al 5. Bloomfield introdu ed the IC analysis, whose full name is () Analysis. A. Internal Component B. Innate Capa ity C. Internal Constituent □.Immediate Constituents 6. The Grapes of Wrath is a masterpie e of () AJo.hn Steinbe k B.John Winthrop C.John Updike D.John Cotton 7. The UN put the( )fbrward so as to better ope with the tense situation in the Middle East. Ao.nferen e B.summit C.rally D.seminar (8. )in the earths rust, the ro k may be subj e ted to temperatures high enough to melt it. ADe. ep B.Deeper C.Deepest D.Deeply 9. -It was an interesting exhibition, wasnt it ? -No, it was very uninteresting.Whi h maxim of the Politeness Prin iple that above example violates?() A. The ta t maxim B. The modesty maxim C. The agreement maxim D. The sympathy maxim 10. The se urity of a ountry is( )related to the safety of the rest world. mA.erely B. lose C.mere D. losely 11 .Whi h one of the following maxims is not in luded in the Cooperative Prin iple?() A. Maxim of Quality B. Maxim of Manner C. Maxim of Cooperation D. Maxim of Quantity 12.The unique island( )of Hainan attra ts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year. As .enery B.sight C.s ene D.lands ape 13.In an effort to( ) ulture sho ks, I think it is ne essary to know



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