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任务考核 课后训练 翻译下列句子,注意商务报告翻译的准确性。 3. China-India trade increased fast in recent years and the trade volume kept growing at a high speed. Bilateral trade increased from US$ 2.914 billion in 2000 to US$ 18.703 billion in 2005,with an annual increase of 45% on the average. 近年来,中印两国贸易增长较快,贸易额持续快速增长。双边贸易从2000年的19.14亿美元增长到2005年的187.03亿美元,年均增长45%。 任务考核 课后训练 翻译下列句子,注意商务报告翻译的准确性。 4. Education gives people choices regarding the kind of lives they wish to lead. It enables them to express themselves with confidence in their personal relationships,in the community and at work. But for more than 115 million children of primary school age who are out of school,this human right is being denied. These are mostly children from poor households,whose mothers often have no formal education either. 教育让人们选择他们期望的生活,使他们在人际关系、社区和工作中自信地表达自我。但是,对1.15亿失学的小学适龄儿童而言,这一人权被剥夺了。他们多数人来自贫穷家庭,他们的母亲也没有接受过正规教育。 任务考核 课后训练 翻译下列句子,注意商务报告翻译的准确性。 5.Real exports of developing economies more than doubled between 1998 and 2006,whereas those of the G-7 rose by less than 50 percent. Among the developing regions, East and South Asia were clearly the most successful in increasing exports (by volume), at rate of about 160 percent, despite a deterioration in their terms of trade. In other developing regions,export volumes grew at a more moderate pace,close to that of the G-7,but gains from the terms of trade boosted the purchasing power, and consequently their imports. Overall, the share of developing countries in global trade rose from 29 percent in 1996 to 37 percent in 2006. 1998年—2006年,发展中经济体实际出口额翻了一番以上,而七国集团增长了不足50%。在发展中地区,尽管其贸易条件有所恶化,东亚和南亚显然最成功地实现了出口增长(以数量计),增长率约为160%。在其他发展中地区,出口数量增长较为缓慢,接近于七国集团,但从贸易条件中获得的利益提升了的购买力,进而促进了进口。总体而言,发展中国家在全球贸易中所占的份额从1996年的29%增加到2006年的37%。 知识链接          商务报告中常用词汇 audit report 审计报告 feasibility report 可行性报告 investigation report 事件调查报告 market research report 市场调查报告 monthly report 月度报告 progress report 进展报告 survey report 意见调查报告 recommendation 建议,劝告 table of contents 目录 synop



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