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INSTRUCTION MANUAL LUMINANCE COLORIMETER Introduction Thank you for purchasing the TOPCON Luminance Colorimeter BM-7A. This instrument is a Luminance Colorimeter for measuring light with high precision from a light emitting element such as a CRT, LCD, LCD backlight, LED or the like, or reflected light from a painted surface or printed material. Read this manual carefully before using the BM-7A in work applications. Precautions for Use ・ Be sure to only use the AC adapter supplied with this instrument, or a separately sold authorized AC adapter. Using another AC adapter could result in trouble. The input voltage should be 100V to 240V AC, and the power-supply frequency should be 50 Hz to 60 Hz. ・ Do not use the instrument for measuring bright objects that exceed the measurement range, or for measuring extremely bright objects such as the sun. It may cause damage the photo- detector, and stable measurement may not be possible. ・ Do not use the instrument in dusty, very damp or humid areas, or in areas where corrosive gas may be generated. ・ Do not use the instrument in areas where sudden changes in temperature could occur. This instrument contains temperature compensat


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