GB 51171-2016 通信线路工程验收规范.pptx

GB 51171-2016 通信线路工程验收规范.pptx

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目;6. 5撑杆;10. 2 光缆的接续与封装 ..........................................(84);Contents;6. 3 Pole-footing device ............................................. ( 24 ) 6. 4 Draw-wire ...................................................... ( 26 ) 6. 5 Stay bar......................................................... ( 40 ) 6. 6 Numbered pole ................................................ ( 41 ) 6. 7 Aerial suspension wire ....................................... ( 41 ) 7 (). F. Cable (electrical cable) line lay-out .................. ( 50 ) 7. 1 General requirements .......................................... ( 50 ) 7. 2 Direct-Buried (). F. cable (electrical cable) .................. ( 52 ) 7. 3 Aerial (). F. cable (electrical cable) ........................... ( 52 ) 7. 4 Wall-hanging (). F. cable (electrical cable) .................. ( 55 ) 7. 5 Duct (). F. cable (electrical cable).............................. ( 57 ) 7. 6 Submarine (). F. cable (electrical cable) ..................... ( 58 ) 7. 7 Lifting (). F. cable (electrical cable) ........................... ( 59 ) 7. 8 Micro pipe and micro cable .................................... ( 62 ) 7. 9 Laying and installation of silicon-core pipe .................. ( 64 ) 7. 10 Man hole (hand hole) construction of silicon cored pipe duct ...................................................... ( 65 ) 8 External line protection and preservation.................. ( 66 ) 8. 1 Built-in pipe, brick-paving, cover-board, and cement mortar bags ................................................... ( 66 ) 8. 2 Terrace slope reinforcement and protection .................. ( 66 ) 8. 3 Protection of subaqueous cable .............................. ( 69 ) 8. 4 Protection of pole line, drawing wire, suspension wire and aerial line ................................................ ( 70 ) 8. 5 Protection and preservation of silicon-core pipe............... ( 70 ) 8. 6 Stone marker sign board ...........................


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