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首字母填空中的重点单词 一、概述 学生们在填词过程中需要首先确定空格词性和词义,然后再结合所给首字母在考纲词汇范 围内逐渐缩小范围,找到最后需要的单词。由此可见,按照词义对考纲词汇进行分门别类就显得 十分重要。本章节将以考纲词汇为基础,给出词汇的分类方法,给学生们提供一种更加有效的解 题思路。 二、名词 (一)感觉与感情类 when she saw when she saw her little sister. 、She cried out with p 2 1. attention 2. pleasure attention attention care cheer cheat cry doubt emotion excuse favorite fear feeling fun greeting hate hobby interest joy laugh love pardon peace pity pleasure praise pride regard respect regret shame silence sense smell smile surprise sweet taste touch wish wonder worry victory (二)选择与态度类 1、There is a r for every important thing that happens. 2、At lunchtime, theres a c between the noodle or the rice. 1. reason 2. choice 1. reason 2. choice advice attitude agreement behavior choice conclusion decision dream duty effort mind plan promise purpose reason success suggestion task thought welcome will 三、代词 (一)不定代词类 1、I love him. He is e to me. case like this one? 2、 2、 1. everything 2. another all all another everybody everyone one other any any anybody anyone anything both each everything few many, ,more, most nobody none nothing several some somebody someone something such 2、I had to be as p四、形容词 (一)积极感情类 chat with your neighbors? How do you make a f 1、as the fisherman for this 2、I had to be as p 1. friendly 2. patient able able active beautiful brave bright careful certain cheap clean clear clever comfortable confident cool correct delicious famous fantastic free funny glad great healthy helpful honest humorous interesting kind lively lovely lucky patient proper proud real serious silent similar simple smart smooth special strong successful sweet tidy useful warm early early easy enough excellent fair friendly pleasant polite popular pretty safe welcome well(better, best) wise wonderful worth (二)消极感情类 1、Throw your d clothes in the washing machine. 2、The accident left him b_ in one eye. 1. dirty 2. blind absent difficult sick afraid dirty silly angry expensive sleepy bitter hard sorry blind hungry strange blue ill


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