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A rose for Emily ;Content ;William Faulkner ; Novels----The Early Period (1924-1929) ·1926 Soldiers Pay《军饷》 ·1927 Mosquitoes《蚊群》 ·1929 Sartoris《萨托里斯》 ·1929 The Sound and the Fury《喧哗与骚动》(The Most Celebrated Novel) Poetry: ·1924The Marble Faun《大理石牧神》(The first book of poems) ;Novels----he Creative Period (1930-1942) 1930 As I Lay Dying《我弥留之际》 ·1931 Sanctuary《圣殿》 ·1932 Light in August《八月之光》 ·1935 Pylon《塔门》 ·1936 Absalom, Absalom!《押沙龙,押沙龙!》 ·1938 The Unvanquished《不败者》 ·1939 If I Forget Thee Jerusalem (The Wild Palms/Old Man)《野棕榈》 ·1940 The Hamlet《村子》 ·1942 Go Down, Moses《去吧,摩西》 ;; ;Yoknapatawpha 约克纳帕塔法世系;Representative works;The Sound and the Fury《喧哗与骚动》 ;Features of the work:;The background ;Southern Renaissance;The Plot;After the death of her father, Emily, who had nothing, soon fell in love with Homer(黑默), the Yankee foreman(北方佬工头) who had come to the town to build the railroad. But Emily could not get rid of the family dignity and the influence of her father.;When she found out that Homer had no intention of starting a family with her, she poisoned him with arsenic(砒霜), thinking that only in this way could she keep her love and reputation(名誉). From then on, Emily lived an isolated life in the dilapidated(破旧,荒废的) and closed house and Shared a bed with the dead body for 40 years, until she died. The towns people discovered the shocking secret at Emilys funeral. ;Share a bed with Homer’s dead body;Character--- Miss Emily ;Character--Miss Emily;Character----Mr. Homer;Character---- Judge Stevens ;Character---- Mr. Grierson;The Themes;2. ?Pride and Glory theme Even under the great impact of the northern economic culture,Emily and her father still maintain the pride and sense of honor of the traditional aristocracy?.(传统贵族);; ;The Techniques;3. The dead character Emilys death symbolized the disappearance of old southern traditions, values and ways of life. Her servant Tobe‘s disappearance also has a strong symbolic meaning----the collapse of slavery.(奴隶制瓦解) His name To


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