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Unit 9;Unit 9 Learning;Do Boys and Girls Have Different Reading Habits?;To read and understand a longer text on the reading habits of boys and girls To read for detail and answer questions To answer a critical thinking question;What kinds of reading do you prefer?;Do you have the same reading preference, boys and girls?;Why do you like reading? For your school study? For fun? …;Do Boys and Girls Have Different Reading Habits?;What is the interesting fact found from the PISA reading text in this article? What is the reason?;Find the correct figure for the percentage of boys who read for enjoyment.;What kinds of reading do boys and girls prefer according to the findings from PISA?;1. In place like Japan, boys and girls read for enjoyment at an almost identical level… identical adj. ?exactly the same, or very similar 完全相同的; 非常相似的 be identical to/with 与……完全相同 eg The tests are?identical?to?those carried out last year. 这些测试和去年进行的完全相同。;【拓展】 identically adv. 同一地 identity n. 身份;特征;相同,一致 identify v. 确认;鉴定;显示 identity card 身份证(缩写ID card);2. …ensure that they are exposed to a wide variety of different types of literature from a young age. expose v. to make it possible for someone to experience new ideas, ways of life etc 使接触;使体验,暴露,揭露 【归纳】 expose … to 使……暴露/接触/面临…… expose sb. as 揭露某人为…… be exposed to…暴露/接触/面临…… 【拓展】 exposed adj. 暴露的,无遮掩的 exposure n. 暴露;揭露;【语境应用】完成句子。 1) He lifted his T-shirt to _____________ across his chest. 他撩起 T 恤衫露出胸口上的伤疤。 2) The newspaper story?_____________?a liar. 报纸上的这篇报道揭发他是个骗子。 3) All ___________ should be covered with protective cream. 所有露在外面的皮肤都应该涂上防护霜。 4) __________ to lead is known to damage the brains of young children. 众所周知,接触铅对幼儿的大脑有害。;Do you think the evidence in the article is strong enough to explain the finding that girls outperform boys in reading? If not, what are other possible reasons? ;Do a survey and draw a pie chart in your class.


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