2023-2024学年译林版(2019 )必修一 Unit 2 Lets talk teens Grammar and usage 课件.pptx

2023-2024学年译林版(2019 )必修一 Unit 2 Lets talk teens Grammar and usage 课件.pptx

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;;;阅读以下短文,感知句子类型并把句子序号写在下面方框中相应的句子类型后面 (1)We know that being a teenager is sometimes difficult.(2)So,we have designed TeenHealthWeb to help you along the journey to adulthood.(3)Our website has many articles about teenagers’ physical and mental health.(4)You can look through these articles to find advice on your problem.(5)It may not have been addressed before,but don’t worry.(6)You can visit the “teen health” forum on our website instead. (7)We are proud to say this forum is the heart of our website.;(8)Users are encouraged to post their problems,and they will get advice from our health experts and other forum users.(9)Before you write your post,however,take a look at other users’ posts first.(10)It is likely that the matter has already been discussed on our forum.(11)If your problem is a new one,write a post about it.(12)Our health experts will be glad to tell you what steps you can take to improve your situation.(13)There is a lot to see,so take some time to look around our website!;Simple sentences;;简单句、并列句和主从复合句;一、简单句(Simple sentence) 简单句是由一个主语(或并列主语)和一个谓语(或并列谓语)构成的句子。有以下几种句式结构: 1.SV:主语+谓语 The moon|rose. 月亮升起来了。 Most birds|can fly. 大部分鸟儿都会飞。;2.SVO:主语+谓语+宾语 Who|knows|the answer? 谁知道答案? Babies|should not wear|masks. 婴儿不应该戴口罩。 3.SVP:主语+连系动词+表语 The dinner|smells|good. 晚餐闻起来不错。 The most important task|is|to study hard. 最重要的任务是努力学习。;4.SVOO:主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语 She|offered|me|much help. 她给了我大量帮助。 It|gives|us|a great feeling of peace. 它给我们一种非常平静的感觉。 5.SVOC:主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语 They|painted|the door|green. 他们把门漆成绿色。 I|consider|English|a very important subject. 我认为英语是一门非常重要的科目。;6.SVA:主语+谓语+状语 Time|passes|quickly. 时光飞逝。 Chris and Tim|work|at a zoo. 克里斯和提姆在一家动物园工作。 7.SVOA:主语+谓语+宾语+状语 She|is doing|her homework|carefully. 她正认真地做家庭作业。 Jane and her sister|are playing|computer games|at home. 简和她的姐姐正在家中玩电脑游戏。;8.There be... There | aren’t | many books on the shelf. 书架上没有多少书。 There | is | a chair,two desks,and a bed in the room. 房间里有一把椅子、两张桌子和一张床。;二、并列句(Compound sentence) 并列句由并列连词连接的两个或两个以上并



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