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College English 教材|:高级职业英语教程(上) 教研室:武汉交通职业学院公共课部公外教研室 教师姓名: 课程名称 College English 授课专业和班级 14会计(1)、14机电(2) 授课内容 Unit One College Life 授课学时 8 教学目的 Understand the main ideas of text A, grasp the words, expressions, structures and word formations used in the text, and discuss the text among students and offer their opinions on the topic of college life. Text B can be done as a fasting reading in class or out of class. 教学重点 Study the new words and language points, know the basic sentence patterns and know how to write a business card in English. 教学方法 Student-oriented communicative teaching, free discussion and interaction. 教学过程 1. Warm-up: monophthong English song (20 minutes) 2. Lead-in of text A (10 minutes) 3. New words of text A (90 minutes) 4. Detailed learning of text A (90 minutes) 5. Exercises of text A (90 minutes) 6. Grammar and exercises (30 minutes) 7. Writing: business card (30 minutes) 作业 Assign homework: 1. Exercise on Page 8 and page 9. 2. Learn to sing the English song Hey Jude 辅助手段 Multimedia software 教 学 内 容 Warm-up activities Step 1: Introduce monophthong to students Step 2: Ask students to read front vowels, central vowels and back vowels printed in the book. Step 3: Play the English song Hey Jude and ask students to fill in the blanks and learn to sing the song. II. Lead-in of text A Step 1: Ask students to do the survey on page 3. Step 2: Ask students to discuss how to improve campus according to the survey. III. New words of text A 1. adapt?to: change your ideas or behaviors to deal with a new situation适应于 e.g.: Our company?should?adapt?to?the changes?in?market?and?new?policies.? 我们公司应该适应市场和新政策的变化。 The world will be different, and we will have to be prepared to adapt to the change. 这个世界将会不同,所以我们必须准备好适应变化。 2. frustrating: a. something that annoys you or makes you angry 令人懊丧的 e.g.: The current situation is very frustrating for us. 目前的局势对我们来讲是很令人懊丧的。 frustrate



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