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PDCA循环法在多重耐药菌医院感染管理中的应用 目的 探讨PDCA循环法对规范该院多重耐药菌感染管理的临床效果。方法 2016年1月1日起,医院感染科设置监管小组,按照计划-实施-检查-总结的步骤对感染管理过程出现的问题和容易诱发多药耐药的因素进行排查和分析,并提出解决和控制方案。以PDCA实施前后1年内的病历为研究对象,比较多重耐药菌的发生情况;同时两个时期内均从医护人员中随机抽查500个样本,统计手卫生合格率、耐药菌知识考核通过率、医疗废物处置合格率,比较组间差异。结果 实施PDCA法后,该院的多重耐药菌情况较实施前有显著改善,发生例数明显减少;手卫生合格率、耐药知识考核通过率以及医疗废物处置合格率等情况均明显高于实施前(P<0.05)。结论 PDCA循环法对规范该院多重耐药菌感染管理具有良好的临床效果,值得推广应用。 标签: PDCA循环法;多重耐药菌;医院感染管理 [Abstract] Objective This article tries to explore the clinical effect of PDCA cycle method in the hospital infection management of multidrug-resistant bacteria. Methods Since January 1, 2016, the department of infection control has set up supervision team, who shoulders the responsibility of investigation and analysis of multidrug resistance factors and follows the steps of plan - Implementation - check – conclude and then put forward solutions and control scheme. The occurrence of multi drug resistant bacteria before and after the implementation of PDCA were compared, besides, 500 samples of the medical staff were randomly selected in these two periods, and the qualified rate of hand hygiene, pass rate of multidrug-resistant bacteria assessment, pass rate of medical waste disposal were compared between the groups. Results After the implementation of PDCA method, multidrug-resistant bacteria in the hospital have been significantly improved, the number of cases have obviously decreased; the qualified rate of hand hygiene, pass rate of multidrug-resistant bacteria assessment, pass rate of medical waste disposal were much better than before(P<0.05). Conclusion PDCA cycle method takes good clinical effect in regulating the management of multidrug-resistant bacteria infection in the hospital, and is worth popularization and application. [Key words] PDCA cycle method; Multidrug-resistant bacteria; Hospital infection management 多重耐药菌是指一种对至少3类抗生素同时出现耐药的病原菌。抗生素的诞生治愈了很多感染性疾病,然后抗生素的滥用却使多药耐药现象频频出现,不仅危害患者健康,也使临床治疗难度加大,更阻碍了医院感染防治的管理[1-2]。因此合理应用抗生素、控制多重耐药菌感染成为医疗机构感染管理的重点。PDCA循环又名戴明环,是美国质量管理专家休



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