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高等教育自学考试毕业论文 题目:浅析丰田公司的采购管理 高等教育自学考试毕业论文 浅析丰田公司的采购管理 摘 要 随着计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制转变,卖方市场向买方市场转变,企业采购管理的地位越来越重要, 采购环节越来越成为企业降低成本、提高竞争能力的关键环节。但对中国的大多数企业而言, 采购管理仍然是非常薄弱的,计划经济、短缺经济下粗放的采购管理方式仍然有强大的惯性,采购环节漏洞形成的既得利益使得加强管理面临阻力。制造类企业竞争也变得异常激烈,制造业的采购成本占销售额的比重是较高的降低采购成本的重要性就比任何时候都更加引人注目,众所周知国内外汽车竞争者的队伍越来越庞大作为一个汽车行业内的制造类企业使企业在竞争中占据制高点,为了应对越来越激烈的行业竞争,公司应该优化自身的采购管理,以促进自身的发展。 本文通过对丰田公司的调研考察和现状分析,了解该公司存在的问题,提出了一些采购管理问题的思路和方法,并以加强监管资格审查和专家评标,加强对供应商的选择和管理,增强采购人员的防腐能力以及奖惩力度等手段给公司带来采购理念的转变,丰田公司的例子突出采购管理的优势和劣势,给其他汽车制造企业提供借鉴。 关键字:采购;采购管理;丰田公司 Study on the purchase management of Toyota Corporation ABSTRACT With the change that planned economy system turns into socialism market-oriented economy system, which can also means that “seller market” transform to “buyer market” , the corporate purchasing management plays a more important role in competition, and the purchasing is becoming the key point that reduce costs and enhance the competitiveness of a company. But for most Chinese enterprise, purchasing management is still rather weak. In the cases of shortage economy, the extensive ways of purchasing management still have inertia. During the purchasing, the benefits that came from loopholes becomes the obstacles of the connect management. The competition of manufacturing category is also becoming intensive. The procurement costs of manufacturing category takes a high percent of sun of sales, so it is noticeable to reduce the costs than any time. As we all know, not only in domestic, but also in foreign countries, there are more and more companies take part in the competition. In order to cope with it every company should optimize their purchasing management to promote their own development. In this passage, we have investigations and do situation analysis about Toyota Corporation to understand the real problems, then come up with some solutions. And with the ways that strengthening the censor of regulatory qualification, inviting experts to make a detail evaluation, being cautious


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