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Part IReading Compreheion (40%)
Directio: There are
four passages in this section. Each passage
is followed by some questio or unfinished
statements. For each of them there are
four choices marked A, B, C and
D. You should decide on the best
choice and mark the corresponding letter
on the Awer Sheet with a single
line through the center.
Passage 1
Whereas George
Gehwin worked in the glare of critical and commercial success, Charles Ives
worked in obscurity. Though Ives created the bulk of his output before Gehwin
appeared on the scene, his music was almost completely neglected until he was
“rediscovered” in the 1940’s and 1950’s. He earned his livelihood, for most of his adult life, in the iurance business
and created some of the most striking examples of American music in his spare
time. Ives’s composing was restricted to weekends, holidays, vacatio, and
long evenings, Ives himself was quite philosophic about this and never
coidered his business career a handicap to artistic production. On the
contrary, he regarded his music and the business in which he earned his
livelihood as complementary activities.
His raw material
for all of his work was the ordinary musical life of a small New England town.
In evolving his highly individualistic musical language, Ives used popular
dance hall tunes, fragments of hym and patriotic anthems, brass band marches,
country dances, and songs which he integrated into works of enormous
But Ives’s music
was hardly popular with the broad public at the time it was written. The
composer found it all but impossible to get his music performed. For example,
Ives’s Second Symphony, which be worked on between 1897 and 1902, received its
fit performance in 1951 when it was played by the Philharmonic-Symphony Orchestra of New York, under Leonard
Bertein. His Third Symphony, completed in 1911, was fit performed in 1945,
the Fourth Symphony, written bet
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