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Unit 1一、词汇短语
Text I
1lash [lAF] vi. to hit violently or suddenly突然冲击,猛烈打击:The rain was slashing
the windows.雨正急打着窗子。 vt. to whip sth
slashed the hoe cruelly.他狠狠地鞭打那匹马。
2scoff [skCf] v. to laugh at嘲笑,嘲弄:You are not supposed to scoff at religion.你不应该嘲笑宗教信仰。搭配scoff at意为“嘲笑,嘲弄”。
3drawstring [`drR:strIN] n. a
string or cord that can be pulled tighter or looser to tie up bags拉绳,抽绳:It is a small bag
closing with a drawstring and used especially for carrying loose items.这是一种用拉绳系上的小袋子,用于装零碎物品。
4illusion [i5lu:VEn] n. a) something that deceives a peon by seeming to be real错觉,幻觉,错误观念:The sun appea to go
around the earth, but it is an illusion.太阳看起来好像围着地球转,但这是错觉。b) a
false fact假象:The
mirro all around the walls give an illusion of greater space.墙的四周都是镜子,给人造成一种空间很大的假象。
5rumble [5rQmbl] n. 隆隆声:We could tell from the rumble of the thunder that rain was coming.我们从隆隆的雷声就可以知道快要下雨了。 v. make a sound of rumble发出隆隆声:The big gu rumbled in the distance.远处炮火轰鸣。搭配rumble on意为“继续下去”。
6purgatory [5pE:^EtEri] n. a place or condition of
great suffering炼狱,受苦的地方:A beautiful woman is the paradise of eyes and purgatory of pue.漂亮的女人是眼睛的天堂,钱包的炼狱。
7ultimate [5Qltimit] adj. a) most extreme最大的,极限程度的:The ultimate luxury of the trip was flying in Concorde.这一行程中最大的享受就是乘坐协和式飞机。b) the final最后的,最终的:What is your ultimate
goal? 你的最终目的是什么?
8moral [5mCrEl] adj. concerning principles of right and wrong
behavior and the difference between good and evil道德的,道义上的:He had no moral objection on moral ground
to his friends amusing themselves.从道义上讲,他并不反对他的朋友们自己消遣消遣。
9dilemma [di5lemE] n. a situation which one has to make a
difficult choice两难的境地,左右为难:She was in a dilemma whether to continue to stay at school or get a
10rip [rip] v. to tear
apart quickly and violently猛地扯开,撕裂:The more he tea around, the more liable he is to rip his leg off.他越挣扎越容易把腿折断。 n. a rift or a rapture裂缝,裂口:He sewed up the rip on his
sleeve.他缝好了袖口上的裂缝。常见搭配有:rip sth to shreds把…撕成碎片;let rip无拘无束地行事;le
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