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1. 形似意异词辨析(1~3天) 1 abase [E5beis] vt. 使谦卑,贬低 eg. A man who betrays a friend abases himself.背叛朋友就是自轻自贱。 abate [E5beit] v. (指风势,疼痛,数量,程度等)减弱,减轻,缓和 eg. The ship sailed when the storm abated.风暴减弱时船开航了。 abuse [E5bju:z] v. 滥用;虐待,辱骂 eg. You should not abuse the privilege.你不应该滥用特权。 2 abridge [E5bridV] v. 删节,削减 eg. This is an abridged tralation of Gone With the Wind.这是一本《飘》的节译本。 bridge [bridV] v. 架桥,造桥; n. 桥 eg. The bridge was built three hundred yea ago.这座桥是300年前建成的。 3 abrupt [E5brQpt] adj. 突然的,陡峭的 eg. abrupt change突然的变化 disrupt [dis5rQpt] v. 使中断;扰乱 eg. The quarrels of the different political parties seemed likely to disrupt the state.各政党的争执可能导致国家分裂。 interrupt [7intE5rQpt] vt. 打断,打扰 eg. Traffic in the city was interrupted by a snowstorm.市内交通被暴风雪所阻断。 4 abstain [Eb5stein] vi. 戒掉(~ from);弃权 eg. I abstained from voting.我弃权不投票。 detain [di5tein] vt. 使延迟,阻止,扣留 eg. He was detained as a suspect.他被当作嫌疑犯而加以拘留。 pertain [pE(:)5tein] vi. 属于,附属;关于;适合,相配 eg. His remark did not pertain to the question. 他的话同这个问题不相干。 sustain [sEs5tein] vt. 支撑,抵挡;蒙受;证实 eg. The sea wall sustai the shock of the waves.海堤能抵挡海浪的冲击。 5 access [5Akses] n. 进入;通道;使用;接近 eg. Citize may have free access to the library.市民可以自由使用图书馆。 assess [E5ses] vt. 估定(财产,价值等);征收(税款、会费等);评估(人物、工作等) eg. assess tax on sb’s property对某人的财产征税 6 acquire [E5kwaiE] v. (通过努力)学得(知识,技术),获得,得到 eg. The ability to use a language can be acquired only by the act of using the language.使用语言的能力只能通过使用语言的行为来获得。 inquire [in5kwaiE] v. 询问(~ of/about),调查(~ into) eg. The director inquired of me about our work.厂长向我了解了我们工作的情况。 require   [ri5kwaiE] vt. 需要,要求,命令 eg. This plan requires careful coideration.这项计划有必要仔细考虑。 7 acquisitive [E5kwizitiv] adj. 想获得的;贪得无厌的;可学得的 eg. an acquisitive mind好学心,利欲心(等) inquisitive [in5kwizitiv] adj. 好奇的,好问的 eg. She is very inquisitive, and asks for too many peonal questio.她非常爱打听别人的事,问了许多牵涉到个人私事的问题。 8 adapt [E5dApt] vt. 使适应;改编 eg. He adapted himself to the cold weather.他适应了寒冷的天气。 adopt [E5dCpt] vt. 采用,收养 eg. They


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