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1 second language
【参考答案】A peon’s second language or L2 is a language that is not the
native language of the speaker, but that is used in the locale of that peon. For
example, English is used primarily as second language for Chinese students.
More informally, a second language can be said to be any language learned in
addition to ones native language, especially in the context of second-language
acquisition (that is, learning a new foreign language).
2 negative trafer
Language trafer (also known as L1 interference,
linguistic interference, and cross-linguistic influence) refe to speake or
write applying knowledge from one language to another language. It is the
trafer of linguistic features between languages in the speech repertoire of a
bilingual or multilingual individual, whether from fit to second, second to
fit or many other relatiohips.
When the
relevant unit or structure of both languages is the different, linguistic
interference as a source of erro can result in negative trafer. For
example, German learne who said ‘I have hungry’ for ‘I am hungry’ would be
displaying negative trafer.
3 informal L2 learning
【参考答案】Informal L2 learning is any L2 learning
that is not formal learning or non-formal learning, such as self-directed
learning or learning from experience. Informal learning is organized
differently than formal and non-formal learning because it has no set objective
in terms of learning outcomes and is never intentional from the learner’s
standpoint. For all learne this includes heuristic language building,
socialization, enculturation, and play. Informal learning is a pervasive
ongoing phenomenon of learning via participation or learning via knowledge
creation, in contrast with the traditional view of teacher-centered learning
via knowledge acquisition.
4 interpeonal competence
【参考答案】Interpeonal competence is the ability to
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