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Ⅰ. Directio:
Tralate the following words, abbreviatio and terminology into Chinese. There
are altogether 15 items in this part of the test, with one point for each. (15’)
1) medicare
2) Ex works
4) Xerox
5) GPS
6) L/C
8) joint venture
9) alimony
10) investment securities
11) capital punishment
12) non-aligned nation
13) coulate-general
14) force majeure
15) curriculum vitae (CV)
Ⅱ. Directio: Tralate
the following words, abbreviatio and terminology into English. There are altogether 15 items in this part of the
test, with one point for each. (15’)
1) 一国两制
【答案】One country, two systems.查看答案
2) 三个代表
【答案】Three Represents查看答案
3) “两会”
【答案】two sessio(the National People’s Congress and the Chinese Political
Coultative Conference)查看答案
4) 机助翻译
【答案】machine-aided tralation查看答案
5) 词汇空缺
【答案】lexical gap查看答案
6) 语域
7) 法治
【答案】rule of law查看答案
8) 出口商品交易会
【答案】Export Commodities Fair查看答案
9) 语义翻译
【答案】semantic tralation查看答案
10) 交际翻译
【答案】communicative tralation查看答案
11) 功能对等
【答案】functional equivalence查看答案
12) 以人为本
【答案】people oriented查看答案
13) 科学发展观
【答案】Scientific Outlook on Development查看答案
14) 扩大内需
【答案】expand domestic demand查看答案
15) 房奴
【答案】mortgage slave查看答案
Ⅲ. Directio: Tralate
the following into Chinese. (60’)
of the Year
Sept. 11
delivered both a shock and a surprise—the attack, and our respoe to it—and we
can argue forever over which mattered more. There has been so much talk of the
goodness that erupted that day that we forget how unprepared we were for it. We
did not expect much from a generation that had spent its middle age examining
all the ways it fails to measure to the one that had come before—all fat, no
muscle, less a beacon to the w
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