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2002年北京第二外国语学院211英语考研真题及详解Ⅰ. Cloze (10%)
Directio: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there
are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the One awer that
best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Awer
Sheet with a single line through the center.
America like
to do business without leaving their ca. You’ll (1) _____ drive-in banks,
drive-in restaurants, drive-in churches and drive-in movies.
When (2) _____
in the U.S., it’s a good idea to have an international driver’s (3) _____ if
you don’t have a state licee. Each of the fifty states (4) _____ its own
traffic laws. For example, in some states drive can pump their own gas as
self-service islands (5) _____ in othe this is not allowed. Drive (6) _____
and undetand the laws (7) _____ they don’t live in the state. Get information
when you cross the (8) _____ into a state at a tourist information center.
There is a
national speed limit of 55 miles per hour, (9) _____ about 80 kilomete per
hour. America usually start and stop slowly and are generally polite about
letting ca enter busy streets. They usually stop for people who are walking
to let them (10) _____ the street. In many states you may turn right after
stopping at a corner, even if there is a (11) _____ light. On some roads there
may be minimum speed.
If you rent a
car, ask the company (12) _____ in case your car (13) _____. Some companies
will ask you to call a special number. (14) _____ will want you to have the car
(15) _____. They will deduct the cost of the repair from your bill.
“Mileage” can
mean two things. It may mean the total number of miles a car (16) _____. We say,
“This car has 10,000 miles on it; it has low mileage.” (17) _____, “gas
mileage” is the number of miles a car can travel on one U.S. gallon of gas. For
example, a big car that (18) _____ 25 miles to the gallon gets very good
mileage. A small economy car should get (19) _____ 35 miles to the gallon when
it’s ne
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