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Part One: Proof Reading
The following
sentences contain some erro. Copy and edit them on your awer sheet. (1.5×10)
An important information I got from her is our teacher’s new marriage.
2 She had a lot of difficulty with the long vowel /ei/, so I taught her how to pronounce.
3 The tutor asked the pupils: “How to write an essay on your mother?”
4 The volleyball playe of our department went
through very tough training for a whole semester and finally win the
champiohip of the univeity.
5 I
felt frustrated and wondered why my English wasn’t improved even after having
watched many movies and read many books.
6 The news of the H1N1 flu worried the
headmaster, but another news was
upbeat: so far, everyone in his school was healthy.
7 All of us in the
class would like to become a teacher in the future.
8 In high school, we had to take many classes,
Chinese, English, physics, chemistry, mathematics and history and so on.
9 The students found
it dissatisfied that their hard work was not rewarded or recognized.
10 The univeity
attaches great importance to teacher’s research and publicatio.
1 An: The
2 pronounce/\: it
3 pupils: pupil
4 a: the
(the whole修饰单数名词,表示“整个”。)
5 even
6 another/\ news:
piece of
7 All: Each
(由于宾语是a teacher,因此主语应该是each of us。)
8 classes: coues
(后文“Chinese, English”等都属于课程,对应的单词是coue而不是class。)
9 dissatisfied: dissatisfying
10 teacher’s: teache’
Part Two: Vocabulary and
Directio: Read
the passage below and then awer the questio that follow.
The Archaic Smile
Francis Henry Taylor
1)Fifty yea ago archaic sculpture was known only
as a curious phenomenon. It was assumed that all primitive peoples made statues
in much the sa
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