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2011年上海对外经贸大学357英语翻译基础考研真题及详解一、将下列短语译成汉语(30 points)
1 EC
【答案】电子商务(Electronic Commerce)查看答案
2 Combined traport
3 Optical fiber communication
4 Confucianism
5 Force majeure
6 Individually-owned enterprise
7 To beg off
8 Parent company
9 Independent foreign policy of peace
10 Asset management
11 Legal peon shares
12 Standard Chartered Bank
13 IPO
14 Non-performing loan
二、将下列短语译成英语 (30 points)
1 学士学位
【答案】bachelors degree查看答案
2 专门从事
【答案】be specialized in查看答案
3 益损
【答案】profit and loss查看答案
4 社会保障体系
【答案】Social Security System查看答案
5 可再生资源
【答案】renewable resources查看答案
6 自由贸易区
【答案】free trade area查看答案
7 小康社会
【答案】a well-off society查看答案
8 万有引力定律
【答案】Law of Gravity查看答案
9 一份工资较低的工作
【答案】a low paid job查看答案
10 生态系统
11 人口过度增长
【答案】excessive population growth查看答案
12 民工
【答案】migrant worker查看答案
13 自有品牌产品
【答案】products of the private label/own brand查看答案
14 社会稳定
【答案】social stability查看答案
15 酸雨
【答案】acid rain查看答案
三、将下列短文译成汉语 (45 points)
The Literature of Knowledge and the Literature of Power
What is it that
we mean by literature? Popularly, and amongst the thoughtless, it is held to
include everything that is printed in a book. Little logic is required to
disturb that definition. The most thoughtless peon is easily made aware that
in the idea of literature one essential element is some relation to a general
and common interest of man—so that what applies only to a local, or
professional, or merely peonal interest, even though presenting itself in the
shape of a book, will not belong to Literature. So far the definition is easily
narrowed; and it is as easily expanded. For not only is much that takes a
station in books not literature; but inveely, much that really is literature never
reaches a station in books. The weekly sermo of
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