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Task One: Vocabulary and
Grammatical Structure
Section A
Directio: This section is designed to test your ability to
interpret the meanings of words in different contexts. Read each of the
following sentences carefully and select one word or phrase from the four
choices that is closest in meaning to the underlined word in each sentence, and
then write your awe on the Awer Sheet. (20 %)
1 The invention of the
thermometer is attributed to Galileo.
A. charged
B. given
C. told
D. credited
【解析】句意:温度计的发明归功于伽利略。be credited to把……归功于。
2 When an aircraft
travels at subsonic speeds, the sounds that it generates extend in all
A. creates
B. manufactures
C. powe
D. spaw
3 It is disputable how far down in the animal series
lymphoid tissue is found.
A. uncertain
B. scandalous
C. disagreeable
D. surprising
4 Project Head Start, which was inaugurated
in the United States in 1965, is a federally funded preschool program for
economically and culturally disadvantaged children.
A. italled
B. initiated
C. conceived
D. crafted
5 During
the 300 yea between its introduction into medicine and World War I, quinine
was the only effective remedy for malaria.
A. solution
B. plan
C. bacteria
D. treatment
6 Castor oil and its derivatives are used in cosmetics,
hair oils, and medicines.
A. products
B. elements
C. relatives
D. sources
7Grand Teton National Park embraces the
most scenic portion of the glaciated, snow-covered Teton Range.
A. excludes
B. contai
C. dominates
D. fulfills
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