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2007年对外经济贸易大学英语学院861综合英语考研真题及详解Part One Topic Sentences(20
Complete the text by writing in the
blank a topic sentence for the paragraph. Write your awe on the Awer
Earlier, we
described as ‘infernally difficult’ the task of writing minutes that not only
record decisio but also summarize the gist of the discussion during a
meeting. We know the frustratio: you have to try to follow, to make notes on,
and then to summarize the rambling repetitive, often irrelevant, and sometimes
incoherent utterances of committee membe. We have yet to find anyone who
responds happily to a request to ‘just take the minutes’!
The secretary’s job should be to listen to what is being said, to extract the
essence of each utterance, and to record as much as he or she thinks will give
a true and adequate impression of each speaker’s contribution. A full
participant in the meeting should be doing more than this. His/her job is not
only to listen carefully, and to extract the essence of each utterance; it is
also to evaluate each utterance, to formulate complementary or contradictory
contributio, and to express them coherently at appropriate moments. It is
impossible to fulfill both the secretarial role and the full participatory role
at the same time. So we urge you to decline to be minute-taker if you are
supposed to be a full participant in the meeting.
It is also
difficult to sift valuable points from redundancies and irrelevances. We regret
that we know of no magic method or formula for doing this. And we know of no
sure way of euring that you do not offend some committee membe by reporting
more of someone else’s views than you report of thei. One tip we can offer is
that, when you write the minutes, you avoid simply reflecting the sequence and
length of contributio from each member. It is probable that the notes you
make will be in chronological order, and will reflect roughly the amount said
by each member. When you come to write the min
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