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(Write all your awer
bellow the questio. Do not use separated sheets except the last two questio
in Part II)
Part I. Linguistics
I. Define each of the following
terms, giving an example where appropriate (10%)
1 Displacement
【答案】Displacement mea that human languages enable their use to symbolize
objects, events and concepts which are not present at the moment of
2 Free variation
【答案】Simply speaking, it refe to the different pronunciatio of the
same word. If two sounds occurring in the same environment, the substitution of
one for the other does not produce a different word form, but just a different
pronunciation of the same word, then the two sounds are in free variation.查看答案
3 See
【答案】See is concerned with the relatiohip between the linguistic
element and the non-linguistic world of experience, while the reference deals
with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form.查看答案
4 Morphophonology
【答案】Morphophonology is a branch of linguistics referring to the analysis
and classification of the phonological facto that affect the appearance of
morphemes, and correspondingly, the grammatical facto that affect the
appearance of phonemes. It is also called morphonology or morphonemics.查看答案
5 Diachronic linguistics
【答案】It refer to the study of a language through the coue of its
history. Historical linguistics was a pervasive interest of the Darwinist in
the 19th century; in the coue of their historical researcher into
the development of the Indo-European tongues.
6 Dissimilation
【答案】Dissimilation refe to the influence exercised by one sound segment
upon the articulation of another, so that the sounds become less alike, or
7 Restricted code
【答案】A style of language use associated with informal situatio,
characterized by linguistic predictability and by its dependence on the
external context and on the shared knowledge and experience of the participants
for conveying meaning.查看答案
8 Illocutionary a
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