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Ⅰ. Give a brief
explanation to each of the following literary terms. (15 points)
1 Free vee
【答案】Free vee is a term describing various styles
of poetry that are written without using a strict rhyme scheme, but still
recognizable as poetry by virtue of complex patter of one sort or another
that reade will perceive to be part of a coherent whole. Walt Whitman is a
representative who employed free vee successfully.查看答案
2 Plot
【答案】In literature, a plot is all the events in a
story particularly rendered towards the achievement of some particular artistic
or emotional effect. In other words, it’s what mostly happened in the story or
novel or what the story’s general theme is based on, such as the mood,
characte, setting, and conflicts occurring in a story.查看答案
3 Tragedy
【答案】A tragedy is a story that presents courageous
individuals who confront powerful forces within or outside themselves with a
dignity that reveals the breadth and depth of the human spirit in the face of
failure, defeat, and even death. Tragedies recount an individual’s downfall;
they usually begin high and end low. Shakespeare is known for his tragedies,
including Macbeth, King Lear, Othello, and Hamlet.查看答案
4 “Stream of
Cociousness” novel
【答案】A “stream of cociousness” novel attempts to
depict the flow of inner experience of the characte. Those novels break
through the bounds of time and space, and mingle the thoughts, feelings, and
see impressio of characte at a specific time. Famous “stream
of cociousness” novelists include James Joyce, Virginia Woolf and William
5 Imagism
【答案】Imagism is a poetic movement that flourished in
the U.S. and Britain between 1909 and 1917. The movement was led by the
American poets Ezra Pound and, later, Amy Lowell. The imagist poets placed
stressed precision in the choice of words, freedom in the choice of subject
matter and form and the use of colloquial language. Notable collectio of
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