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I. Reading
1 Read the following
article and paraphrase the underlined parts:
The twenty-fit
century will mark the era of tertiary and lifelong learning for everybody-or
almost everybody. Thus the West Report from Australia, echoing a key theme
of the immediately preceding Dearing Report in the UK① (National Committee of
Inquiry into Higher Education [NCIHE], 1997).
The notion of
lifelong learning has pervaded higher education around the world as governments
have increasingly come to recognize a link between their education systems and
national economic performance. However, policy relating to the actual making of
the link needs deeper coideration. The development of key skills’ has been
seen in the UK as an important way in which higher education can contribute to
economic development, but it can be argued that to focus on these skills
represents a narrow and iufficient respoe to what employe-and the wider
interest-really need (see Stepheon’s [1998] argument for a ‘capability’
approach to higher education and, more broadly, the discussion in part 2 of
Barnett [1994]. However the contested nature of this aspect of higher
education might be resolved, current discussio have left relatively
unexplored the broader implicatio for curricula ② and, in particular, for
fist-cycle provision.
In earlier times
many took the view that a fit degree ③ was a sufficient basis for lifetime career.
The accelerating pace of knowledge development has undermined this conception,
and increasing attention is now being given to the provision of higher degree
programs and other opportunities for professional development. This raises a
serious question: what function does the fit degree serve in the context of
lifelong learning?
Logically, it
makes no see in today’s world to try to pack fit degree curricula with all
the knowledge, undetanding and skills need for the rest of a lifetime. There
simply is not the time available, and anywa
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