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I. Vocabulary and Grammar. (30 points, 1 for
Directio: There are
30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices
marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then
mark the corresponding letter on the Awer Sheet.
1 Many America think a national committee should be formed to
discuss _____ to existing mass trait system.
A. alteratio
B. alternatio
C. attendants
D. alternatives
2 Thank you for applying for a position with our firm. We do not
have any openings at this time, but we shall keep your application on _____ for
two months.
A. pile
B. segment
C. sequence
D. file
【解析】句意:感谢您申请我们公司的职位。公司目前没有职位空缺,不过我们会将您的申请存档两个月。file文件;档案。on file存档,记录下来备查。pile大量;一堆。segment部分;切片;部门;线段。sequence序列;顺序。
3 The oxygen equipment made it possible for the climbe to rest
and sleep at very high _____.
A. latitude
B. altitude
C. level
D. hemisphere
4 Now the _____ port city near the mouth of the mighty Yangtze
River is hoping to leave its record of turmoil behind and renew its status as
the epicenter of Chinese modernization.
A. flapped
B. congested
C. dined
D. dictated
5 _____, he would not have recovered so
A. Hadn’t he
been taken good care of
B. Had he not
been taken good care of
C. Had not he
been taken good care of
D. Had he been
not taken good care of
【解析】句意:假如没有受到良好的照顾,他不会恢复的这么快。本题考查虚拟语气,对过去情况的虚拟结构如下:sb/sth would/could/should have done sth, if sth/sb had(not) done sth,其中可以将had提前,其它语序不变,构成倒装句。所以选B。
6 More than one third of the Chinese immigrants in the United
States live in California, _____, in San Francisco.
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