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2012年燕山大学211翻译硕士英语考研真题及详解 I. For questio 1-15, read the article below and then decide which awer below best fits each space. Indicate your awer on the separate awer sheet. (15%) We really can tell if we are being watched Stories about how people somehow know when they are being watched have been going around for yea. However, few attempts have been made to investigate the phenomenon scientifically. Now, with the completion of the largest ever study of the so-called staring effect, there is impressive evidence that this is a recognizable and (1) _____ sixth see. The study (2) _____ hundreds of children. For the experiments, they sat with their eyes (3) _____ so they could not see, and with their backs to other children, who were told to either stare at them or look away. Time and time again the results showed that the children who could not see were able to (4) _____ when they were being stared at. In a (5) _____ of more than 18,000 trials (6) _____ worldwide, the children (7) _____ seed when they were being watched almost 70% of the time. The experiment was repeated with the (8) _____ precaution of putting the children who were being watched outside the room, (9) _____ from the stare by the windows. This was done just in case there was some (10) _____ going on with the children telling each other whether they were looking or not. This (11) _____ the possibility of sounds being (12) _____ between the children. The results, though less impressive, were more or less the same. Dr. Sheldrake, the biologist who designed the study, believes that the results are (13) _____ enough to find out through further experiments (14) _____ how the staring effect might actually (15) _____. 1 A. genuine B. accepted C. received D. sure 2 A. involved B. contained C. comprised D. enclosed 3 A. shaded B. wrapped C. masked D. covered 4 A. find B. notice C. tell D. reveal 5 A. sum B. collection C. mass D. total 6 A. worked over B. worked through C. carried on D. carrie



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