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I. Explain the following
terms. (共7道小题,每题5分,共计35分)
1 Deductive
【答案】Deductive teaching is a more traditional form of teaching. In
deductive teaching you typically provide information (lecture), share specific
examples of the concept or skills being taught, then, allow students to
practice the skill being taught. This is a more teacher-centered model of
teaching that is rule driven. Some of the positives of this method are that it
is time saving and gets to the point of the lesson easily.查看答案
2 Positive
【答案】Positive trafer is where the two habits share common aspects, such
the knowing one will help with learning the other. It may help or facilitate
language learning in another later situation, and may occur when both the
native language and the target language have the same form.查看答案
3 Reflective teaching
【答案】A reflective approach to teaching is one in which teache and
student teache collect data about teaching, examine their attitudes, beliefs,
assumptio and teaching practices, and use the information obtained as a basis
for critical reflection about teaching.查看答案
4 Communicative
【答案】Communicative strategies are defined as mutual attempts of two
interlocuto to agree on a meaning in situatio where requisite meaning
strategies do not seem to be shared. From the pepective of error resources,
CS is defined as the process of inter-lingual trafer and the context of
learning as a learner tries to get a message through to a hearer or reader.查看答案
5 Student-centered
【答案】Student-centered teaching aims to develop learner autonomy and
independence by putting respoibility for the learning path in the hands of
students. Student-centered itruction focuses on skills and practices that
enable lifelong learning and independent problem-solving. Student-centered
teaching emphasizes the learner’s critical role in cotructing meaning from
new information and prior experie
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